Spending The Day With Frodo

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Two days later

You wake up in the morning and get out of bed, making your way over to the wardrobe and finding something nice to wear. After going to the bathroom and getting ready you go into the kitchen and make yourself some breakfast, after eating, you walk over to Sam's house. You knock on his door, but no-one answers, so you try again, and this time Sam answers.
"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asks, confused.
"I need to talk to you.. About Frodo." You go inside.
"Well there isn't anyone home at the moment, so it's just you and me. So what about Frodo did you want to talk about?" He asks, sitting down.
"About him leaving. The other day he told me not to worry because he's not going anywhere right now, which means maybe he's planning to leave later on." You answer as you sit down on the chair next to him.
He looks at you. "Do you remember our whole conversation? The one with me, you, Pippin, and Merry? Well we are also worried that Frodo might leave one of these days without telling anyone, so we take turns keeping an eye on him. And once a week we all meet up and talk about Frodo, and discuss if there's anything unusual going on."
"So you all basically spy on him?" You ask, raising an eyebrow.
He nods, you both keep talking, an hour later you leave, Sam had managed to convince you to help them spy on Frodo, since your the closest one to him. So you decide to go pay him a visit, since it's been two days since you last saw eachother.

You walk over to Frodo's house and knock on the door, but there's no-one there, you knock again, but there is still no response. You start to get nervous and panic a little. Then the door swings open and there is Frodo standing in front of you. You let out a sigh of relief.
"Hey y/n, something wrong?"
"Hi, oh no, nothing's wrong." You smile a little nervously.
He smiles at you. "Well I was just gonna go out for a walk, care to join me?"
"I'd love to." You smile.
Frodo closes the door behind him and you both walk down the path, hand in hand, Frodo smiles down at you and then looks back up and starts whistling a happy tune. As the day went on, it grew hotter and hotter, so you both decide to sit down under a tree. Frodo sits down, you next to him.
"So what do you want to do?" He asks, looking at you.
"Hmm, I don't know." You look down.
"I saw you leave Sam's house before going to mine, I wasn't spying on you or anything, but can I ask what were you too doing?" He continues to look at you.
You start to get nervous, your voice a little shaky.
"Um.. Well. Nothing, we were doing nothing, just stopped by to say hello." You reply, looking the other way, avoiding Frodo's gaze. He could tell you were lieing. He tilts your head so that you're facing him, staring into his blue eyes.
"What were you really doing?" He asks, looking seriously at you, eyes filled with worry.
Your face softens as you reassure him. "You needn't worry."
And you quickly kiss him on the lips before geting up. He looks down then gets up.
"It's getting late, I think I should go."
He then starts to walk back home, goodbye, you mumble to yourself as you watch him leave, looking down to the ground and feeling a bit upset.

You get home and just go straight to bed, not really feeling like eating much. In the morning you hear a knock on the door, you get up and go to open it. There isn't anyone around, only a letter left on the ground. You pick it up and goback inside, opening it and reading:
"Meet me at my house at noon."
Love, Frodo

You get ready, and as noon rolls around you start to head out to Frodo's house. Once there, you knock and the door is immediately opened.
"Hi." You say, smiling.
He smiles back at you, but you could tell it was fake.
"Hi, come in."
You go inside and both sit down next to each other, Frodo fidgets around a bit, and after a while he finally breaks the silence.
"Um y/n... I need to tell you something." He says nervously.
"Yes, Frodo? What is it?"
He hesitates, looking deeply into your eyes, before finally speaking.
"Y/n, I-I love you. I've liked you since I first saw you, and every day after I started to like you more and more, and I don't know what's been going on these past couple weeks between us." He looks down, scared of what your reaction might be.
You tilt his face up so that your eyes meet. "Frodo, I love you too, I've also liked you since we first met."
He looks shocked but that soon turns into a smile, and you smiled as well.
"But what about Sam?" He asks and you begin to laugh.
"Oh goodness no. We're only friends, and if it's troubling you this much, I only went to his house because I needed to ask him something." He looks relived.
You chuckle, thinking how cute he is. He then cups your face and pulls you closer, kissing you.
"So there's absolutely nothing going on between you and Sam?" Frodo asks once again.
You laugh, smiling. "No, there's nothing."
And with that, he kisses you again.

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