Chapter 1

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I rushed towards the train station to get the final bus towards Mystic Falls. I made it just in time. Finally. I am really on my way to that town that I was born in. I am Cara Mitchell and this is my Mystic Falls story. 

I drove myself to my house. I still had it. It was dusty, but it has been empty for years. Somehow no one seems to want it. I don't mind. It's my house. I am not selling it. Not in a million years. I used my magical powers to put all my things in place. I put on some lights and candles to make it warm and comfy. I put on the fireplace and it was nice and warm when I returned from the supermarket. I am finally home. I had no idea what took me so long. Oh right, I do know, I just won't admit it. Nice one Cara. 

The next morning I went out to check out the school were I was going to work. I am a teacher, English. I did some modelling in the past. I kind a hope the class wouldn't recognize me, because my posters are hang out world wide. 

I only did the morning classes though. I was off in the afternoon to dedicate my time to my writing and singing. Playing guitar. I loved doing that. 

"I am Cara", I said to the principal. "Nice to meet you", he said and he was clearly letting his eyes go over my body. I was feeling slightly weird. "Welcome at our school, we have a teachers lounge and you can use that anytime you want, you have 4 classes during the morning. The rest points itself, I've read you have done many teaching jobs?", the principal asked. "Yeah, I like teaching, but I also like my other jobs, that's why I only do part time", I said. "That is smart, you are modelling, a singer too?", the principal said. I laughed. "You did your homework correctly sir", I said. 

Suddenly I heard a voice. Someone was talking to a student and I knew that voice all to well. I turned around and saw Ric standing there. Damn still sexy as hell. I blinked a few times to make sure that it was him. He looked up and finally saw me. "Cara?", he asked surprised. "Ric, I had no idea you were working here", I said. "I had no idea you were back in town", Alaric said. "You two know each other?", the principal asked. It was clear to me that he was jealous. "Yeah, we have a long history together", I said smiling at Alaric. "Should I show you the way", Alaric asked. "Please if you would", I said. 

"Sorry about the principal, he was clearly having an eye on you, perv", Alaric said. I laughed. "Glad you saved me there, like old times", I said. "How have you been?", Alaric asked. "I've been good, the world has treated me nice, what about you, anything from your wife?", I asked. "No, she is still an unresolved case, like always, but I have a girlfriend now, she is amazing", Alaric said. "Oh nice, you deserve someone nice Alaric, you always have, I wasn't good for you, I wanted to see the world, you wanted to teach, I do both now", I said. "Yeah good for you, I saw you in a few magazine's though, don't tell my girlfriend, but your still sexy as hell", Alaric whispered. I laughed. "Well thank you, you don't look bad yourself either, oh hey is that your girlfriend?", I asked. 

A woman with red hair came towards us. "Hey Jenna", he said and he kissed her. "Hey, uuh I am Jenna, Ric's girlfriend", Jenna said shaking my hand. "I am Cara Mitchell, Ric's ex and friend, and college now too, I am starting as a teacher here", I said. "Oh nice, first day?", Jenna asked. "Tomorrow will be the first time I teach there, today it was just taking a look at the building", I said. 

"You want to join us, we're going to the Mystic Grill to take a bite", Jenna said. "Sure thing, thanks for inviting me", I said.

We were ordering burgers and talked a bit about the town and how much it has changed. "Is Liz Forbes still the sheriff?", I asked. "Yes she is, that hasn't changed, and Mayor Lockwood still Mayor Lockwood", Jenna said. "Is he still a jerk", I asked. "Yes", Jenna giggled. "Are there any new guys in town I should know off", I said with a smirk. "Well you have the Salvatore brothers, Stefan and Damon Salvatore, Stefan is dating my niece Elena Gilbert, there they are, they are here all the time, Damon is hanging round them like a hawk, he's got a thing for Elena, there is a guy named Elijah Smith in town, pretty the gentleman too", Jenna said. "Elijah Smith", I giggled by hearing his name. Could he be more obvious. "Elijah Smith, yeah his last name though he...", I started but Alaric cut me off. "Is weird yeah", he said and he had this warning look in his eyes and I knew that Jenna had no idea about the magical creatures in this town. 

"So... Damon Salvatore, who is that", I asked. "That guy over there", Jenna said pointing at him. "Damn he his hot, is he single", I asked. "He is, had dated Caroline Forbes, which I don't get because Caroline is a high school student and Damon is, well he is way older", Jenna said. "But he is single now?", I asked. "He is single now, why don't you go introduce yourself", Jenna said giggling. "Okay, yeah why not, I just order us drinks okay", I said. "Why not", Jenna said. 

"2 beers and a Whiskey please", I said to the bartender. "Coming right up ma'am", he said. "I don't believe I have seen you in this town yet", a voice said behind me. I smirked. It was Damon Salvatore. So he is a player. So am I. "Oh I've been around, you just didn't see me yet", I said. "I am Damon Salvatore", he said introducing himself. "Cara Mitchell, have you been to Mystic Falls before, I don't think you did, I'm sure I would have remembered you", I said. "I have been around too, but I come and go as I please, who are you with?", Damon asked. "With my ex boyfriend over there and his girlfriend", I said pointing at the table where Alaric and Jenna were chatting to loudly. It was clear that they were listening to our every word. "You are Alaric's ex?", Damon asked. "Yeah, it was a very long time ago, before his wife disappeared, or got killed, we go way back", I said. "And Jenna?", Damon asked. "I just met her, I like her", I said. "Oh sorry", a girl with dark hair and olive skin said while bumping into me. "It's okay", I said and I felt strange tingling on my skin. She is a witch, I could sense it. I looked at her and smiled. "I'm Cara, nice to meet you", I said. "Bonnie Bennett nice to meet you too, your new?", she said. "I am new-ish, but I have to get back to my table, Bonnie nice meeting you, Damon you are going to want to meet me", I said with a wink. 

"Oh my God, what did you say?", Jenna asked. "I said that Damon would want to meet me", I said. "Be careful though, he is kind a the bad boy in town", Jenna said. "I am a sucker for the bad boys Jenna, hey let's exchange numbers, we can hang out more, you guys are the only people I know so far, so let's meet up for drinks more, if you two are not too busy, I would love to invite you both in my house, Jenna you could invite your family too if you want", I said. "Oh I ask Elena and Jeremy if they want to come and meet you", Jenna said. "The more the better", I said. 

I hope you like the first chapter of this story. I finally decided to try out for a Vampire Diaries and The Originals story once more. I find it very difficult to write one. So many characters. I feel very blessed to have met most castmembers. :)

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