Chapter 21

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Cara's POV

I looked at Dr. Wes Maxfield and saw a pathetic man that wanted to presue his research no matter the costs of lives he would destroy. My father happened to be part of it. "As it is I am friends now with Niklaus Mikaelson, the one you asked to compel my father to forget about me. Well we are not really friends, we are sharing a mutual goal for now, when that's done we are going back to being mortal enemies, but Klaus would you mind come inside and take the compulstion away", I said. Dr. Maxfield looked a bit like he was about to try and run but for sure he couldn't because I wouldn't let him, neither would my friends.

"Hey you are back to being you", Stefan said with a smile on his face. "Yup, he has been stupid enough to give me back my powers", I said with a grin. "Oh that is very stupid indeed, but convenient for us", Damon said grinning at me. I looked at Elijah. "What are you doing here", I said. "Same thing as your friends", Elijah said. "Who says I need you when I have my friends coming to the rescue and Klaus who is taking away my father compulsion", I said. I realise that what I said was hurtful to Elijah, but he needed to know that I had no feelings for him whatsoever and that I don't want him back on any ground of friendship. I am not ready to forgive him yet for what he did when I was in New Orleans. But was that true, because each time I think of that I remember that I can't blame him that hard because he was only running from his brother Klaus. Yes he could have do things differently, but that is not why I am mad at him. I am mad at him because I cared for him, deeply. Shit, did I just admit that I cared for Elijah.

"Look Cara, I just wanted to make sure that you are safe, you are safe, so my job here is done", Elijah said. "Elijah, look I am sorry okay I didn't mean it", I said. "Oh I think you mean it and you have every right to mean it, I've done things too you that are to horrible to describe, I can only hope that one day you can forgive me for it and that we can start over, because I hate to lose you all over again", Elijah said. I nodded.

"You needed me love", Klaus said with a bright Klaus smile. "Yes, I need you to de-compel my father. He doesn't remember me and according to Dr. Wes Maxfield you where asked to compel him to forget me", I said. "That is correct, fine I de-compel him for you only because you saved me from dead before, even though it was you who tried to kill me. The one thing is, I can't promise he will be the same father as before, or the same person", Klaus said. "I know that", I sighted. "Don't blame me for this, back in the day I took pity on a baby girl that was about to get to know her father as a vampire who was hurting other people because of the company he worked for", Klaus said. "I know, I don't blame you for this funny enough", I said.

He de-compelled my father who looked stunned by seing me. "Cara?", he asked surprised. "Yes dad it is me", I said. "How can you be here?", my father said. "That is a really long story", I said. "You, how can you be friends with my daughter", my father said to Elijah. "Wait, you remember him before you remember me", I said. "I remember him because I know him my entire life Cara, I know you for like 2 minutes, it feels for 2 minutes, I am a vampire, you don't want to get to know me", my father said. "Dad, I am a vampire too", I said. "Wait, how did that happened", my father said. "Uuuhm, I think that is because of me mostly", Damon said coming between us. "Yes, but I am a vampire and a witch daddy", I said. "You can't be a vampire and a witch", my father said confused. "I am dad, the spirits wanted me to be one of the most powerful witches on the planet so that the plane fields were even, because witches should have an eaquel planefield against that hybride over there that ereased my memorie", I said. "Hey that hybrid just helped you", Klaus said. "True words Klaus, dad are you coming home now, because I don't want to be a minute longer here then I need to be", I said. "No, I am not going with you, I am staying here, where I belong, I am an Augustine employee and once you are one of them, you are not leaving", my father said. "Dad, don't you want to get to know me", I said. "No, as far as I know I don't know you, you might be my daughter by blood, but I've missed a lot of life years from you and I am not worth it to be called your dad", my father said. "Dad I've been looking for you for years now, I can't lose you again", I said. "You might have been looking for me, but I haven't been looking for you, and a father should always look for his daughter, no metter how far away the memorie is and I didn't, so you are just a walking talking reminder for my quilt", my father said.

Elijah put an arm around my shoulder because he saw that I was about to cry my eyes out. "Dad, all these time and you are not going to get to know me", I said. "No I am not going to", my father said and he turned around and walked away.

I turned to Dr. Maxfield. "This is your fault, if you wouldn't have let him erease my memories then he would be the father I've always dreamt about, he was the mayor of Mystic Falls before he met you, you screwed up our lives, you deserve to die, but what kind a person would I be if I killed you, I wouldn't be better then you are", I said. I was conflicted. "Cara", Damon started. "No Damon, this is my revenge on him, he doesn't deserve to live", I said. "You are right, but youa re better then this, I know that you are", Damon said. "No Damon, see that is where you are wrong, I am no better then any other vampire, name one vampire that hasn't killed", I said. The room was in silence. "See, so I feel totally justified to do this", I said and in a flash I snapped Dr. Wesfield his neck. 

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