Chapter 11

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I loved being a teacher at Mystic Falls, but I was glad that it was only a few days a week. Not full time. English was my thing. I have always loved teaching English. I think most boys had a crush on me so I got even there attention. I didn't mind it. What I did mind. Was that the principal keeps checking me out. He was a pervert, that was for sure. 

When I left the school I bumped into someone. "Sorry", I said. "It's okay, you're Tyler's teacher aren't you?", a guy said. He was handsome. He had blond curles and short hair. Damn he had that look that he was looking for the perfect wave. "Uuuh yeah I am, who are you?", I asked. "I am Mason Lockwood, his nephew", he said. "Oh nice to meet you, I am Cara Mitchell, indeed Tyler's English teacher, he is doing well you know, no need to worry", I said. "I am not worried, I just try to meet new people in this town, I am thinking of staying for a while, be there for Tyler because my brother died, not that I had such a good bond with him", Mason said. "I have met the mayor a few times, to be honest I never really liked the guy", I said. Mason laughed. "Well, no he wasn't worlds nicest guy", Mason said. We laughed. 

"Back in the day, my father was mayor of this town until the Lockwoods took over", I said. "Ah I thought your last name sounds well known to me", Mason said. "Hey you want to go to the Grill, grab a drink?", I asked. "Sure why not", Mason said. "I know what it's like, to be the new girl in this town, but it was easy, you fit in fast. I already knew my ex, Alaric Saltzman, do you know him?", I asked. "Yes, he is the history teacher from Tyler right?", Mason said. "He is, and Jenna his girlfriend is one of my besties", I said. "Isn't that weird?", Mason asked. "No, it is the 21st century, a girl can ask out a guy and we can be best friends with the new girlfriend of your ex", I said with a smile. "Well cheers to that then, to a new century", Mason said. 


"Who is that guy again, Ric do you know him?", I asked looking over at the bar where Cara was talking to some guy I've never met. "That is Mason Lockwood, nephew of Tyler, he came into town when the mayor died", Alaric said. "How come I didn't know this", I said. "You were to busy with Elijah to notice, there are more guys that like her you know, because she is not one to dislike very easy", Alaric said. "What made you two broke up in the end actually", I asked. "Growing up Damon, it's called growing up, we both headed a different way, she went to New Orleans to study and I went to Duke", Alaric said. "Now she is back and you don't have feelings for her when she meets someone else?", I asked. "No Damon, we are friends", Alaric said. "How, I mean she is smoking hot", I said. "Make your move before someone else does Damon", Alaric said. 


"So you live in Florida?", I asked. "Yes, it's amazing there", Mason said. "I bet, are you a surfer?", I asked. "Big time, I always find the perfect wave and let it flow, it's like flying when I am surfing", Mason said. "Sounds amazing, I would never able to do that, I have bad balance and two left feet", I said. Mason laughed. "I can teach you sometime", he said. "Sure why not, when I have vacation", I said.

Mason walked me towards my house. "So this is where you live, nice house", Mason said. "Thank you, I still have boxes to unpack and well I need to...", I said accidentally touching his arm. I felt something. "What is the matter?", Mason asked. "Are you... you are a werewolf", I whispered. "How do you know?", Mason asked. "I am a witch, I sense that", I said. "Ooh but... you're not going to say anything to anyone right?", Mason asked. "No, I let them find that out by themselves, I am gunna guess you know who my friends were at The Girll", I asked. "That guy Damon who was staring at you all the time and your ex Alaric, yeah I noticed that Damon is a vampire", Mason said. "Are werewolves and vampires not mortal enemies?", I asked. "It is some old veute I don't want to be a part off that I am no part of for sure", Mason said. "Good, that means I can totally hot on you righg?", I said. Mason laughed. "Were you hitting on me, I did not noticed", Mason said. "No, did you not noticed that I asked you out really instead off the whole bull shit story about being new in town", I said. "Yeah I didn't really bought that story", Mason said laughing. "See it is getting there", I said laughing.

"Well then I take it you have no problem with me doing this then", Mason said and he kissed me on my lips. "Not at all", I said smiling and now it was my turn to kiss him. "Do you want to come inside?", I said with a smile. "If you insist", Mason said grinning.

The next morning I woke up with Masons naked body next to me. Damn his sex was amazing. "Goodmorning", Mason said. "Goodmorning", I said and we kissed. "That was the best night ever", Mason said. "Oooh Im honoured", I said giggling.

We went out for breakfast in The Grill. He kissed me right when Damon just walked in. He did not looked happy. "Cara can I talk to you?", he said. "Well Damon it is bad timing, Mason and I are having breakfast as you see", I said. "I see that, Cara it is important it will only take a minute", Damon said. I sighted. "This better be important", I said.

"What", I said. "We found the moonstone", Damon said. "Oh really where", I said. "Bonnie touched Mason Lockwood over there by accident and she said that the moonstone was hidden at a wale where she and Caroline used to play", Damon said. "But what does Mason has to do with it", I asked. "Hello wake up woman, he is the one who had it hidden in the wale, Bonnie also saw something else, she saw Mason kissing Katherine", Damon said. "But Katherine is in the tomb", I said. "She is, but before she was there Mason and Katherine were together or they still are, the guy is a werewolve and not worth to trust, all I am saying is be careful", Damon said. "I already know he is a werewolve, you seem to forget that Bonnie is not the only witch here and that I am more powerful then she is", I said. "No need to get all fisty, all I am saying don't trust the... oh damn you slept with him", Damon said. "So what if I did, it doesn't consern you Damon, I am a woman with needs", I said. "Clearly, first that Adam Lambert guy who is gay, now Mason who is a werewolve, you and Elijah obviously have lots of history, Ric is the only normal person in your life, are you trying to get in everybodies pants?", Damon said. I hit him flat with my hand. "Don't you dare call me a whore, if you ever say that again, our friendship is over, don't say a bad word about my friends or my seks life ever again", I said. People heard the slap I gave and took a closer look. "Let's go Mason, I don't want to be around fake friends", I said.

Sorry it took so long for me to update again. I feel so busy with all social media pages I have I even called a break on IG. Guys Im so happy with my boyfriend, who happens to be my best friend for 4.5 years first.
Question: With who do you want to see Cara with?
1: Damon
2: Elijah
3: Mason
4: Alaric

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