Chapter 17

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I woke up in a dark room or space, I didn't knew what I saw because I couldn't see anything. I hated it. I could feel the hunger. I forgot that I was also a vampire now and that I craved for blood like every other vampire. And that when someone injected me with verbena I would be weaker too. And I hated this feeling. I hated being in the dark like this. I hoped that Marcel would call for help and if not Jenna, I think she could at least notice that I was gone for way too long to get a drink. That was the last thing that was clear on my mind before it all went dark. 


"Ah Elena there you are, I was just...", I started. "Damon something happened to Cara. I just spoke to Jenna on the phone. She and Cara went to New Orleans. To see her birthplace. Once she got there they went to a house from a guy who threw a party there, Jenna just spoke to a guy named Marcel who saw Cara that night. And he saw her kidnapper", Elena said. "Who?", I asked. "It was Mayor Mitchell", Elena said. "Wait what, as in Cara's long missing father. How can he still be alive, unless Cara's thinking about him being a vampire is correct", I said thinking out loud.

"Look Damon she will pull trough, she is though, you and I both know that, she is a witch and a vampire", Stefan said. "I know that Stefan, she is kidnapped by her own father, and is in New Orleans, we need to go there", Damon said. "Damon where would you start looking?", Stefan said. "I would start looking where Jenna is, send her home and then I would go to Marcel's house he has to know more and he knows the French Quarter all too well", Damon said. "Yeah well, I am going with you", Stefan said. "Okay brother let's go", Damon said.

Once at the airport and in my private jet I saw Elijah sitting in a chair. "What are you doing here", I said. "I happen to care what happens to Cara, I am going with you guys", Elijah said. "No way", Stefan said. "I am with my brother on this one", I said. "Of course you are, but it is for no discussion, I am going with you and someone else is going wit us too, fair warning, you will not be happy about this either", Elijah said.

Behind Elijah came Klaus. "Oh no, she would not like it when you show up, she don't even want to be rescue when she sees you, you want her in harms way or what", I said. I still didn't believed that Klaus was going to safe Cara from her father. This was seriously the most weird rescue team I have ever seen, there was no way I am trusting anybody but myself.

"Look you can say whatever you want, but I am here to help, and most of all, I am your best shot, even when you don't want to admit that I am in fact that", Klaus said. "What's in it for you when you safe Cara", I said. "For me to know and for you to find out", Klaus said. "Fine, just be quiet the both of you, the least we talk the better", I said.

The rest of the trip to New Orleans was going on in silence as I wished. It was an awkward silence. I can tell you that for the first time Klaus did actually what I said. Not that it mattered. I still hated his guts. I hated him for what he did to my brother in the past, I hated him for what he was willing to do to Elena for his own curse, I hated him and I always will, no matter what he is trying to do for Cara or against her.

Once we landed with the plane Klaus and Elijah both went to explore the French Quarter and me and Stefan went to go to Marcel's house to first find Jenna who was also a key in this story.

Lucky she was already waiting in the wings for us along with who I assumed was Marcel.

"You both came, thank God", Jenna said. "Of course we came, what do you think, but don't be too happy, because Elijah and Klaus are in New Orleans as well", I said. "Elijah and Klaus, why are they here in New Orleans, they don't have anything with Cara, I know for a fact Klaus doesn't', Jenna said. "No, Klaus doesn't, Elijah, well as much as I hate to say it, I think that he cares for Cara, besides, they have a lot of history together", I said. "True, she didn't told me everything, I am sure of that, but I know that it runs deep the thing they have, otherwise she wouldn't be so sensitive when it comes to him, and you know Cara, she and sensitive is not a word that can be used too many times", Jenna said. "True. Uuuh I assume you are Marcel, the guy who witnessed Cara to be taken, couldn't you do anything?", I asked a bit angry and disappointed. "No, he came too fast, and he had some kind of power, I couldn't get to him, I don't know what it is, but I sense that it might be dark, I am not sure until we get to know the person who took Cara", Marcel said. "How do you know Cara anyway?", I asked. "When she lived in New Orleans, we where friends, I was there the day that she got born, so yeah we know each other our whole life", Marcel said. "Ah that explains why she went straight to your house", Stefan said. "Why does it come to a surprise to you guys that she knows other vampires, in New Orleans we are a community of vampires, I've made this city to what it is today, vampires can walk freely at night and to some I've shared the secrets of the daylightring, only my inner circle", Marcel said. "So how come that a guy with so many friends around the whole town never saw it coming that Cara was kidnapped and couldn't do anything to stop it", I said starting to get more angry about this guy not being able to do anything.

"Look man, you have to understand one thing, my guys have things on the look out, if she is in New Orleans still, we sure find her, we will", Marcel said. "A promise means nothing until you live up to it", I said. "That works both ways", Marcel said. "Did you know that the kidnapper is in fact her own father, Cara's lost father who we assumed might be dead suddenly is back ant took his daughter", Stefan said. "Yeah I am aware of that, I saw the person who took Cara, when Cara was young and her parents were still living here, I knew mayor Mitchell very well. He was a good friend from me, that's why I don't understand why he would do something like this to his own daughter, he was always man to be reasoned with", Marcel said.

A guy came up to Marcel and whispered softly to him. Marcel nodded. "She has been spotted in a car, apparently the kidnapper switched cars, let's go", Marcel said. "Finally some action", I mumbled. "What did you say?", Marcel said. "Nothing", I mumbled again.

We where at a place with just one old wooden farm in it. Nothing was here in miles. I can see why this was the perfect place for kidnapping, no one that could hear you scream, even if you did managed to get away, where in the world would you go.

"This is depressing", I said. "Yeah, and it's quiet, too quiet", Stefan said. Suddenly an arrow hit me in the shoulder, it hurt because it was wood. "Ouch", I moaned and I ripped it out and the wound healed. "He knows where here, did you saw anyone else besides mayor Mitchell", Stefan said. "Honestly guys, let's just call him Mr. Mitchell or something, because let's face it, there is no way that he is going back to Mystic Falls and takes over the Lockwoods from being mayor", I said. Stefan rolled with his eyes.

"Okay let's...", I started. Suddenly I got pushed out of the way real fast. An arrow just missed me. "Elijah, what the hell", I said. Marcel eyed to Elijah uncertain. I don't know why he would eye to Elijah like that, but who cares. All I care about is Cara right now. "I believe a thank you is an order, if that arrow would have hit you, you would be dead by now", Elijah said with the same flair in his voice that he used when he was talking all hero-ish or when he was flirting with the ladies of Mystic Falls. He had a suit on, again. I don't think I ever saw Elijah in something different then a suit. I wondered why he could not just wear a jeans or something.

"Did you really think that I would let you guys go alone in that house, you forget that only one of us is truly immortal", Elijah said. "Show off", I said. Elijah grinned. "Let's go inside, we have no idea what we are up against, so let's just be careful for a change", Elijah said.

Suddenly I heard a scream. "Did you guys heard that too, that was Cara, I know it is her", I said. "Are you sure", Elijah said. I used my vampire hearing to hear better. I heard more screams, different voices. "There are more people in that house", I said. "That's what I thought", Elijah said and he reached the door first and opened it. The screams turned louder and louder. What we saw was not human at all.

Vampires in cages. The cages were filled with verbena to keep the vampires week. Others sat in silence on the ground. Staring ahead and doing nothing. Some where already mummified and you could only see their eyes following your move. And there she was. Cara. With a lifeless look in her eyes. I ran towards the cage. As soon as I touched it it burned me. Filled with verbena. Damn, how are we ever going to get her out of here. She sat on the floor. She didn't made a sound. "Cara!", I said. She slowly lifted up her head and looked in my eyes with her dead eyes that used to be full of life. "Who are you?", she asked...

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