Chapter 12

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I did not talked to Damon those next few days. He deserved to be ignored. I did not see Mason either. We had a nice one night stand but that's it. It was nothing more nothing less and we both knew it. We were friends. 

Turns out they already got the moonstone from the wale. It almost killed Stefan because it was drained with verbena. 

"Jenna!", I said hugging her when we met up in The Grill. "Long time not seen, what were you up to girl?", Jenna asked. "Nothing much, Mason and I were just a one night stand", I said. "Oh I thought you guys were a thing, but now you mentioned it, I haven't seen him in a while, were is he?", Jenna asked. "According to Carol Lockwood he is back to Florida, finding the perfect wave, I kind a hoped that he would take me with him", I sighted. Jenna laughed. "I'm kidding though, but I wished he would have said at least goodbye, guess he is not the type for it, according to Carol Lockwood it is his MO", I said. "Nothing to worry about then?", Jenna said. "No, but why do I have the feeling that something is wrong", I said. "I don't know, hey Ric is there, party is ready to go", Jenna said as we walked to the bar. 

"Hey Matt", I said with a smile. "Miss Mitchell, how nice to see you here, what can I get you", Matt said. "Miss Mitchell, dear Matt how many times do I need to tell you that you can just call me Cara", I said with a smile. "I think over a million times, miss... eh Cara", Matt said. "Wiskey for Ric, shots for Jenna and for me, make it 2, I don't need to drive", I said with a smile. 

After that wonderful drinking night with Jenna and Ric I went home on foot. It was the safest way to get home in my case. I accedently bumped into Elijah. "You are still here", I mumbled. "Yes, protecting Elena, what is your excuse", Elijah said. "I live here", I said. "You can choose where you live and this is your city of choosing, the city where you met your ex", Elijah said. "It is none of your business who my relationships with who are", I said. "You are drunk", Elijah said. "Just a little", I said pointing it with my fingers out to confirm it. 

Elijah laughed. "Remember that one time in New Orleans in Roussau's when we got wasted, you and me tracking down my father, you know that thing you would help me with, but you disappeared because of your evil brother Niklaus", I said. "I never stopped helping you", Elijah said. "Oh you stopped all right, guess what Damon promised to help me too, I got to read his father's journals, but that was it, he stopped helping too. While all I do is help, protect people from harm because I am a witch, guess what, I am going to stop helping people who stop helping me", I said. 

"Come on Cara, helping people is in your nature, it is who you are, you are protecting Elena too, you protect Stefan and even Damon", Elijah said. "I did not protected Stefan when he fell into the wale filled with verbena", I said with a small voice. "You can't be at two places at the same time and besides you didn't even noticed that they were gone and fetching the moonstone", Elijah said. "Don't sweet talk me okay, you know I hate that when people do that too me", I said. "I know that, but...", Elijah said. "No but okay, sorry Elijah not this time, you know how I felt about you back in New Orleans, but you left just so easy, I am not going to let you back in like I almost did at the party", I said. "Speaking of that, you promised me a date if I helped you", Elijah said. I hit myself against my for head. "No I shouldn't have brought it up", I said. "Look, I know what I did in New Orleans was wrong. Running away because I was scared for my brother, leaving you behind", Elijah said. "Elijah, you didn't left me behind, give me some credit, I don't do the whole o-I-am-left-behind-pathetic-routine", I said. 

Elijah sighted. "Let me drive you home at least, my car is right around the corner", Elijah said. "I rather die", I said. "Come on, give me some credit now", Elijah said. "You were a man of your word Elijah and you broke it, what is noble about that, so don't be my knight, you have no right on that", I said. 

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