Chapter 8

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Today was the day of the founders of this town. I am a Mitchell and my father used to run this town so you can say that I belong to the founders as well. The Lockwood's threw a party at there house. All the locals were invited. 

"Founders day right, are you going to bring anyone to the party?", Jenna asked me when I was at her house. "Nah, I think I am going solo", I said. "Well I am not, sorry", Jenna said. "Solo, I thought you and Damon hit of good by now", Elena said walking into the room. She was already dressed in her Founders day clothing. Her dress was really beautiful. "You look amazing", I said with a smile. "Thanks, but you are avoiding a subject, what did Damon do?", Elena said. "Being a jerk, I might have called him out as well", I mumbled. "Ai, sensitive subject, well going solo is good too", Elena said with a smile. "You are going with Stefan I assume", I said. "Good guess and yes I'll be going with him, he is such a gentleman", Elena said. "If those are still real, then have fun with your gentleman", I said. 

"Alaric was a gentleman, why did you two ever broke up, you are on such good grounds as college's and friends as well", Jenna said. "Well, multiple reasons, which I am not going to point out at the moment, but I left Mystic Falls, he left Mystic Falls, I went to New Orleans. I lived there for a long time. That is how I met Elijah", I said. "Elijah seemed to know you already yes, but I think you left out a few parts of the story am I right?", Jenna said. "Look Jenna, I am sorry, I can't tell you these details yet, I will in the future okay, for now they are my demons to carry", I said. I knew that Elena was listening to my every word. Which I didn't mind, but I knew I had to be careful with using the supernatural words with Jenna around us, because she didn't had a clue about any of it. 

"I am going Jenna, see you later", Elena said. "Enjoy the party", I said. "Thanks", Elena said with a smile and she headed out the door. "Well, tell me the story when you are ready then", Jenna said. "Thank you Jenna, well I told you another story right, about my dad being the mayor of this town", I said. "Yes, so you are part of the founding families am I correct", Jenna said. "You are most correct indeed, but the Lockwood's took away my fathers land, I want to take it back, but first I need to get on that stupid council of them, as one of the founding families it is my right to be a part of it", I said. "So the Mitchell's and the Lockwood's go way back", Jenna said. I nodded. "Yes, we go way back, but it is not like we are friends, so things might be getting awkward between us families, or well... between me and the Lockwood's then you know why", I said. "Ah good thing you mentioned that", Jenna said. "I am going to get ready, are you up for some girl time", I said. "Hell yeah, that is needed", Jenna said. I laughed. 

I brought my dress and my make-up stuff to Jenna's house for a little girl time. "Did Adam called you yet?", Jenna asked. "Yes, he said that he is on his way to Dubai, lucky, next time he would bring me, I miss him", I said. "Why are you guys not together, you seem like the perfect couple, even though he is gay, people can be bi right?", Jenna said. "Our relationship is complicated to explain it to others, I know that, I am also well aware then some people won't support our relationship. But when I am with him, I forget all my worries, and when he is here, he get's to forget all of his worries. And he has a lot of worries, believe me. That said it is also the spotlight that is not my call. I like being were I am now. I don't mind getting recognized sometimes, but not being able to walk hand in hand with my boyfriend without people recognize you as the girlfriend of Adam, no I don't want that for me and he doesn't want that for me, so we decided to do things differently", I said. "But you two did dated for a while?", Jenna said. "You understood that between the lines did ya", I said with a giggle. "You so dated, oh you two must be the cutest couple ever, but I guess that is also complicated", Jenna said. "Very, I am the complication of the year", I said with a giggle. Jenna laughed. 

"Wow, you look stunning Cara", Jenna said. "You don't look so bad yourself either, I know Alaric is going to love it", I said. "Thanks, are we ready to go, Alaric is waiting on me at the Lockwood's, he wasn't going to pick me up, do  you think Damon is going to be there", Jenna said. "I know he is is, Stefan is and where Stefan goes, Damon follows", I said. "True", Jenna said and she linked my arm to hers. 

It was so nice to have a human friend who doesn't know about all the weird stuff around us. It sucked to keep it all a secret from her, and I knew at some point I had to tell her a few things too. I had no idea if she ever forgive me for not telling her. But for now. This friendship is amazing. It has been a long time since I got a real friend that was not male or gay. 

"Well, this mansion hasn't changed much, except maybe that it became bigger then it used to be", I said. Jenna smiled. "As far as I can remember, the Lockwood's always had a huge property", Jenna said. "They didn't always, my father had a normal house like other locals, that is also why people elected him as mayor, because he was modest and honest and had also a normal job next to his duty for mayor, he was among the locals so people see him as mayor but also as a friend", I said. 

"Sounds like a great man", Jenna said. "He was a great man, but the Lockwood's tared it all away", I said. "Sounds like you won't forgive the Lockwood's for it", Jenna said. "Nope, I never will", I said. "Good, I am preparing for a fight then, there is Mrs. Lockwood, we need to shake hands, not kill each other", Jenna said. I laughed. "Don't worry, I'll be nice, if she is too, I am not going to make a public scene", I said. "Does she know you are back in town?", Jenna asked. "No, and now I am going to introduce myself, I can't wait to see her face to be honest", I said with a smile on my face. "You are so evil", Jenna laughed. I smirked. 

Founders day is moving on into the next chapter. This seems like a good cliff hanger. Hope you like it. Don't forget to vote and comment. x

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