Chapter 7

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While Damon fetched the stuff that I needed I was hanging out with Alaric. "So... how was your adventure with Adam?", Alaric asked. "It was good, as always as you know, but uuuh doesn't this makes you nervous, Jenna with an original", I said. "Of course, but it is not like I can tell Jenna, it is safer to know that she doesn't knows about vampires and the rest of the mystic world around us", Alaric said. "Says who, you. Alaric you know better then everyone that it is best if you know, only then you can be prepared. Prepared for what is coming to hunt you down, you will be able to defend yourself, Jenna isn't able to at the moment, because you won't let her", I said. "Okay, I get your point, but you are going to protect her right", Alaric said. "Witch magic can only do so much, the rest is up to the person who I am protecting, Jenna in this case", I said. "I'll tell her, but when the time is right, she doesn't need to know, not yet", Alaric said. "Okay, it's you're call Ric, just know that I didn't warned you if things to south", I said. 

"Cara, I got what you asked for", Damon said rushing back to my house. "Good, Alaric gave me what I needed", I said holding Jenna's brush into my hands. "What do you need that for?", Alaric said. "Her DNA is going to protect her with a little help from magic", I explained. "Brilliant, I've seen a few witches who have done it, but I've never seen a witch actually do the spell", Damon said. "Well, it requires my undivided attention and I need to have candles, can someone grab the candles please", I said. Damon couldn't be coming back with candles fast enough. "Cool, thank you, now if you would all please be quiet, I can start the spell", I said. 

I was mumbling the words in my head, using the power of the candles, the DNA and the stuff that Damon brought me. Leaves of a certain tree that had powerful magic in it. Exactly what I needed for a binding process. I whispered the words softly with a sort of singing voice. Chanting the words in the room. The wind started to blow and the fire of the candles were getting higher. Then I felt something good flowing trough my body and I knew that my spell worked. 

"Well, did it worked, it was a little bit less spectacular then I expected it to be", Damon said disappointed. "Look it is magic okay, and yes it worked, I felt it", I said. "How can you be so sure of it", Damon said. "I am sure of it okay, witch magic always works, you just have to be powerful enough, and I am the definition of powerful, I who defeated my enemies with one wave of my hand, so Damon a simple protection spell will work when I do it", I said. "Okay, let's take your word on it... for now", he said. 

"Thank you so much Cara, I feel a lot safer now that Jenna is protected by one of the most powerful witches of the century", Alaric said. He hugged me and left. "Well, I guess I better get going to my girlfriend", Damon said. "You don't have a girlfriend, you are half in love with your brothers girl, who you can't have, because she is smart enough to stick with one guy. You are half in love with another but you won't admit it to yourself, and I won't ever admit that I actually started to like you Damon", I said hitting myself. 

Damon stopped walking. "What?", he said. "You heard me, but you are being really dump right now, kissing some other girl you haven't met and who you obviously don't like, just to get back at me, because I slept with Adam, who happens to be my best friend who happens to be gay, grow the fuck up Damon", I said. "You liked me?", Damon asked. "Is that all that sticks in your brain", I mumbled. 

"Wait a second, I thought that you wanted Alaric back", Damon said. "Wait, what, I never said that, Ric and I are just friends, you know what friends do, they talk, that is how they remain friends, I thought you walked the earth longer then I did and yet you don't know this stuff, the perks of being a vampire is that you have a thousand years to learn, us witches, we don't have that", I said. 

"I guess so, you seem like a know it all don't you, if you know it all so well, how come you haven't find the right guy right", Damon said. "I am waiting, I am not screwing around with some dump bimbo just to get back at someone", I said. "No, you are screwing your gay best friend", Damon said. "Oh aren't we such adults now, why don't you get the fuck out of my house all right, run back to Elena for all I care, see if she still wants to hang around with you", I said getting angry. 

"Fine, well thank you for the protection spell", Damon said. "I won't do one on you, you may protect your own ass as you do so well", I said angry. "I don't need your spells or magic to help me", Damon said. "Well, then don't bother ever ask for help, send that message to your brother as well, and tell him that he needs to be in class, vampire or not, he is a student, you as the so called "responsible" adult to him, should mention that to him", I said. "Fine, I will", Damon said and he slammed with the door so the glass that was in in was broken. I fixed it with a simple spell. 

I wasn't proud at this moment to be honest. Not at all. Damon. Aaaarg he drives me nuts sometimes. I know I didn't handled it that well just now. But if he is calling me out, I know my way with words too. Yeah, I know, I am a hypocrite. I don't sound like an adult at all. Not even close. 

Another update today guys. Hope you like it. Damon and Cara fighting. Will they make up soon?

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