Chapter 4

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Chapter song: Rescue Me by You Me at Six ft. Chiddy

Chapter 4 Fred's POV-

Today was the day! Harry had to face another challenge that he wouldn't tell us about.

George and I woke up early, as usual, and we went to Hermione and Scarlett's room to wake them up.

We did this on several occasions, much to their unhappiness. We would push them out of bed, jump on their beds, scream to wake them up, etc.

They hated it when we did this, but they still love us! They could never hate us for long!

George and I sneaked into their room to find it empty, which was highly unusual and had never happened.

We brushed it off like every other odd thing, and we headed to breakfast in the Great Hall.

The oddest thing today, was that Hermione and Scarlett weren't at breakfast yet either.

"Fred, they're not here." George told me, echoing my thoughts.

"Where are the little children?" I asked him.

"Who knows?" We both said with shrugs.

We ate like nothing out of the ordinary happened, but when we got to the classes that we shared with the both of them, they weren't there.

"Hermione would NEVER miss classes!" I whispered to George in Snape's class.

"Yeah, and Scarlett would never miss Potions. This is her favorite class!" George whispered back to me.

"Odd." We both whispered at the same time.

Snaps hit us both over the head with a heavy book, and told us to pay attention.

At the end of class our greatest enemy, Malfoy, walked up to us in confusion.

"Where's Scarlett?" He asked us.

He didn't say it mean, or Slytherinish, he just said it like we were friend or something of the sort.

"We don't know." We chorused.

"Hermione's not here either." George told him.

"And this is Scarlett's favorite class." I added.

"Sorry." We chorused again.

He shrugged and walked off, leaving George and I confused as a rat in a maze.

"Why do you think he cares, Fred?" George asked me.

"I don't have the faintest idea." I responded.

Every class, every meal, all day, Hermione and Scarlett were no-shows. And Ron, which made no sense at all! I know my brother, and he wouldn't miss a meal for the world!

Harry noticed their disappearances too, which put him on edge even more than he already was.

After dinner, we headed off to the lake, which was where the second challenge would be held.

Neville ran up to Harry and handed him a ball of worms, which Harry swallowed.

George and I made sounds of disgust, and Harry shot us annoyed looks.

The announcer person said that the competitors had to find the thing that's dearest to them within the two hour limit, or they will automatically be disqualified.

On the sound of the fog horn, the seven competitors jumped into the freezing water.

"Hey, Fred. Do you think-" George started to say, but I finished his thought.

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