Chapter 18

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Chapter song: Ghost of Me by Daughtry

Chapter 18-

"No! No way! Not going to happen!" Draco refused.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron had joined us just minutes ago, right after Voldemort offered the exchange.

I had been trying to convince Draco to let me go to Voldemort for over thirty minutes now, and it was getting old.

He was being overprotective, and I didn't really blame him, but I wanted to save Ginny's and Hagrid's lives.

"Draco! I'll be fine! I have a plan!" I tried to assure him.

The truth is, I actually DO have a plan, and it's foolproof! It has to work! If it doesn't I'm screwed!

It was pretty smart and it was safer than using a protective spell on myself. I think.

"A plan?! A plan?! What if the damned plan doesn't work?! Did you think of that?!" Draco shouted at me.

"Yes I thought of that! I have never had a plan that didn't work! Ask Hermione!" I yelled back.

Hermione shot me a look that said don't-drag-me-into-this and I flipped her off.

My plans had always worked, but I wasn't too positive on this one. Voldemort only gave me an hour and I had come up with this in ten minutes.

"I am not losing you!" Draco protested with a growl.

I don't want to lose him either, and if my plan worked then we both win. Hopefully it wouldn't backfire.

"You won't!" I promised in a shout.

Probably. He PROBABLY wouldn't lose me. And I PROBABLY wouldn't lose him.

The odds weren't very high in our favor, but it was the only thing that I had at the moment, so too bad.

"How do you know that I won't lose you if you go?!" Draco asked loudly.

You don't, and I don't know either, but I'm stubborn. No, not stubborn. I'm argumentative and we both know that I'll win.

"Because I said so! My friends' lives are on the line here! What would you do?!" I yelled at him.

My plan was going to work out, I knew it would. It may backfire, but at least I live along with Ginny and Hagrid.

Draco sighed in irritation and ran his left hand through his hair. He was tense, and angry, and scared. But so was I.

"I'd do the same thing that you're wanting to do. But what I'd do wouldn't change anything." Draco told me, softer than he had before.

Wouldn't change anything?! Wouldn't change anything?! Yes it would! I love him! And he loves me! We were engaged!

"Yeah it would. If this was reversed and you wanted to go into the woods to save Blaise's life, you'd go when my back was turned. Don't deny it." I told him, holding back tears.

I wasn't going to die. I was going to live. For my boys, Draco and Arcturus. They needed me and I needed them.

"Fine. Just don't die." Draco told me in defeat.

He walked over to me and hugged me tight, like he didn't want to let go. I don't want to let go either.

'Don't die'? Oh, that's GREAT advice for a person who's getting ready to meet up with the most cold blooded killer ever born!

"I love you." Draco whispered in my ear.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

He reluctantly let me go, and I got a hug from each Hermione, Ron, and Harry, much to Draco's dislike.

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