Chapter 7

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Chapter song: Stop and Stare by OneRepublic

Chapter 7 (Hermione's POV)-

I looked at the sleeping Scarlett and I realized that she looked so much more peaceful when she was sleeping.

I couldn't help but worry about her, I mean she didn't sleep at all last night, I could tell.

She had looked exhausted when I woke up and I had automatically seen her bloodshot eyes.

She had also looked like she had been crying, and her lips were slightly swollen for some reason.

Had she been biting them again? I thought she told me that she had stopped that habit.

Whenever we had first became roommates, I noticed that when she studied for big tests or when she was really nervous, she'd bite her lips.

Her lips looked less swollen now, but I was still curious as to what caused them to be like that.

I used magic to call one of my books to me, and it hit me on the shoulder with force. Ouch, that really hurt. Stupid book.

About ten pages into my book, someone knocked softly on the open compartment door.

I looked up from my book and I was shocked who was leaning against the door frame.

"Blaise?" I asked in surprise.

He crossed his arm over his chest and looked at the peacefully sleeping Scarlett.

"Can I talk to her when she wakes up?" He asked me.

"Sure?" I asked unsure.

"Compartment 429." He told me.

He walked off and I just sat in my spot in shock. Is it a trick? Is he going to hurt Scarlett in some way? He better not or I'll kill him, if Scarlett doesn't kill him first, that is.

****(Scarlett's POV)****

My dreams were all screwed up and weird. The first one was less strange than the other ones, but it was still strange all the same.

The first one took place in an underwater kingdom, where I was ordered to be executed by Harry.

The second one was also very odd, but less so. I was under the Eiffel Tower in a bridesmaid dress standing next to Hermione, who had on a tuxedo. And then Ron came down the isle in a wedding dress.

The last dream was the weirdest by far, it was the dream that I am currently in. It was even weirder than the second dream.

I was in a silver wedding dress and I was standing at the alter. Draco was right across from me, at about arms length.

He was wearing a tux that fit him well, and for some reason, he was looking at me in admiration.

There was a man in white robes behind us, holding a bible and speaking some wedding words and stuff.

And then it came down to the wedding vows. The whole time, Draco was looking at me straight in the eye.

"Do you, Draco Malfoy, take Scarlett Shadows as your lovely wedded wife?" The white robes guy asked.

"I do." Draco said with his smirk.

"Do you, Scarlett Shadows, take Draco Malfoy as your wedded husband?" The guy asked me.

"I do." I said.

It was like I had no will of my own, the words just spilled out of my mouth without me even thinking.

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