Chapter 11

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Chapter song: Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down

Chapter 11-

Whenever Blaise walked into the shower for his evening shower, I grabbed Draco's arm and I apparated to a muggle mall.

He looked at me with a what-the-hell-? expression and I rolled my eyes at him, dragging him into a Spencer's.

I picked up a box of a hair dyeing kit, and I also picked up a bottle of red hair dye.

I pulled Draco in the direction of the register and I paid the employee person with muggle money.

He handed me the receipt and I pulled Draco along with me out of the big store.

I apparated us back to Hogwarts and I sat on my bed with the dye under my pillow, acting like nothing happened.

"What the hell?" Draco asked me in shock.

"It's a gift for Blaise while he's sleeping." I explained quickly.

Blaise came out of the shower fully clothed, and his stomach growled loudly. I was hungry too...

"Dinner time!" Draco said, acting like nothing happened.

Blaise headed towards the door, and Draco shot me a discreet wink. I winked back and he smirked.

We walked into the Great Hall together and I noticed the Weasels looking up at me as I descended the stairs with Draco and Blaise.

I ignored them, but it was hard because I was shocked that Potter, the other Weasley, and Granger were all staring at me too.

Blaise, Draco, and I sat down at our usual spot, and we ate our dinner, laughing and carrying on as usual.

Draco stood up and he looked down at me like he expected me to stand up too.

"First tutoring thing." Draco explained.

I stood up and waved goodbye to Blaise, tossing him the key to our room. He stood up and followed us until we had to go our separate ways.

Draco led me up to the Astronomy Tower and I gasped at the pretty view. I had never been up here before.

"I come up here all of the time to think." Draco told me with a genuine smile.

"I can see why. It's pretty." I told him, looking around.

"Not as pretty as you." He said with a shrug.

I blushed an he smirked his signature smirk. Stupid, cocky, Draco! Stupid blush!

"Okay, one of the things on the quiz was a spell called Kryptonite, remember?" Draco asked me.

"Yeah, so?" I asked.

"So, we're going to preform the spell. After you tell me the definition of the spell." Draco told me.

This was one of the questions that I failed. I didn't know that spell, and I would have to guess the meaning.

"Uh, it's deadly?" I asked him, not knowing.

"Yes, go on." He told me with an encouraging nod.

"That's all I got." I told him.

He chuckled at me and I debated on whether or not throwing one of the star maps at him.

"Krypt is a spell called Kryptonite because it dulls the opponent's senses and it makes them smell something that is alluring to them. It's more of a distraction, but still. It's deadly." Draco recited from memory.

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