Chapter 13

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Chapter song: Hurry Up and Save Me by Tiffany Giardina and Loverboy by You Me At Six

Chapter 13-

I slowly got out of Draco's bed, careful to not wake him up, and I went to go take a shower.

Ugh, is this what a hangover feels like?! This is awful! My eyes were completely bloodshot, and I felt like I had been hit by a truck.

I threw up in the toilet like seven times, and I don't ever remember eating that much food.

I took a second shower to wake myself up and to hopefully get the smell of beer and other alcoholic beverages off of me.

I stepped out of the shower and I changed into black jeans, a black shirt, and a pair of black converse.

I slipped on my black tinted sunglasses that cost a fortune, and I slipped out of the bathroom quietly.

Draco was still sleeping and so was Blaise and it looked like they weren't going to wake up for awhile.

I grabbed my thin black jacket, put the hood over my head, and I headed for The Three Broomsticks.

Hogwarts had given us a few days off of school to go on a study break, explaining why there was no school on Monday.

Hermione, Harry, and Ron were still there, even though I was two hours late, which I was honestly sorry for.

"What'd I miss?" I said in a cracked voice.

Ugh, I even SOUNDED awful. Stupid alcohol. Stupid me for being so stupid to drink so much while underage like a stupid person would.

"Bloody hell!" Ron said to me in shock.

"You're hungover." Harry stated the obvious.

"Wow, what gave it away?!" I asked sarcastically.

"Sorry I'm late. I should've never signed up for Slytherin Quidditch. The celebrations are murder in the morning." I grumbled.

Hermione looked sympathetic and so did Harry, even though I'm still pretty sure that he hated my guts.

"Hey, you can take the day off if you want! Go back to Hogwarts go back to your dorm-" Hermione started to say.

"No!" I shouted, cutting her off mid-sentence.

There was no way that I could go back to my dorm. Blaise was there and so was... Draco. He might remember what happened last night, even though I didn't.

"Sorry, it's just that I'm still fighting with them." I told her.

She nodded and I sighed in relief. I can't go back there while they're conscious. Ever.

She took me to Black Lake and we studied for hours on end, even though I had a headache.

She must've seen my struggle to learn any more things, because she closed her DADA book.

"You need rest." She told me, ignoring my protests.

"But-" I tried to say, but she cut me off this time.

"No buts. I'm hungry you're tired, and you need rest. It's almost midnight." Hermione told me.

I relented and we walked back to Hogwarts together. We explained to Filch that we had studied late and he understood, letting us into the Great Hall.

We ate together and joked around like we used to. I missed those times when we were good friends.

We went our separate ways after eating, agreeing to meet up at 9:00 a.m, and whenever I entered the Common Rooms, I got a brilliant idea.

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