Chapter 2, Out on a Walk

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It was chilly outside of the house, the blizzard did its job to make Snowdin even colder than it already was. Their house was up is the trees a little ways, away from the patch of houses below them. "This is nice isn't it Aqua," Carmey said looking out over the snowy valley through a gap of trees. "Its magnificent," Aquamarine exclaimed. They both took a deep breath, the air was cold and full of rejoice of another blizzard to clean out the dirty air. 

     The girls started walking down the path way. There was ice so they had to be careful going down. Soon the Rounders house was in sight. Smoke was coming out of the chimney , it looked warm in the Rounders house.

      Cheers of little kids bursting out the door echoed through the mountain. Carmey and Aqua both looked at each other and started to laugh. They knew that the Parents couldn't handle their 20 kids anymore so they had to let them out side.

        When they got to the bottom the little bunny's were already building snowmen and snow bunny's. When they saw Aqua and Carmey come out of the grove of trees they all went crazy! They ran over to the two girls."Hey Aqua hey Carmey" they all said almost in sync with each other."Hey guys how are you doing" Aquas sweet voice rang out. "Did you hear that the time went out!"One of them said to the girls."Did you her em did you?"other little voices chimed. "We did hear about that, we are just about to go check it out." They kids seemed like they wanted to join them on their 'adventure'. As soon as they were going to ask about coming along someone opened the door to the house. It was Mr.Rounders. "Good morning  Mr. Rounders how are you," Carmey said turned toward the house.

           "Oh, hello girls out enjoying the fresh snow too eh," there was joy in his tone. the girls both smiled and nodded. "Well i'll get these fur balls out of your hair for a while then and you can go on with your day." He said as he lighted his pipe. A voice rang out behind him suddenly. Mrs. Rounder was now standing on the porch with two little baby bunny's in her arms. "Why if it isn't  Aquamarine and Carmey!" she said in the same pleasant voice like Mr. Rounder. "Can I ask you a favor girls?" Mrs. Rounders asked. "Of course you can," Aqua said.

             Mrs. Rounders had a smile on her face. "Could you please babysit for me on Thursday?" She seemed as if she had something important to do that day, but she didn't want to be a burden. "Of course we can we have nothing to do that day anyway. And we could go pick up the kids from school too if that's okay with you of course." Carmey said politely. Mrs. Rounders had a smile on her face."I will drop my baby's off and then drop the kids at school and you will pick them up right?" The girls nodded. "You two are just the best!" The other little kids were still playing in the snow Mr. and Mrs. Rounders looked pleased at their children. "Oh, that's right children the carrot cake is ready." All the kids stopped and ran inside for a slice of cake.

 Carmey and Aqua started off back on their walk through the fresh snow. They stopped to look at one of the snowmen one of them had build. Well it wasn't exactly a snowman it was more of a snowTEM. Both started laughing because it was so cute.

         They were almost to the end of the houses when they saw Old Man Manual. He was trying to shovel his walk way so he could go down it with out slipping and breaking his back.

"Hey Aqua," Carmey whispered to Aqua. "What," she answered back. Could you go over and start helping Mr. Manual Before he breaks his back." Aqua thought for a second."Wait, were are you going?" "I am going to go get are shovel from are shed." And Carmey ran off into the snow that was starting to fall.

      Aqua walked over to Mr. Manual. "Hey, Manual i am going to take this from you so you can go inside and warm up. I will finish with my sister to clean up all the snow okay?" She had to speak loudly so he could hear her. He nodded gave her the shovel and went inside. She began shoveling the snow away from the stone path way. Foot steps were coming near her. She thought nothing of it for a while. Maybe its just Carmey, she thought to herself. Suddenly something poked into her side. 

     "WHAT THE HECK!"she yelled. It made an echo go through the whole town. She turned around to see who dare to......It was Sans. Her face then turned red. "That was great Aqua," he said with a chuckle. "I guess it was a little epic," she said still a little freaked out.

   They looked at each other for a while. Sans looked as if he was about to say something. He opened his mouth to speak when someone interrupted him.

   "Wow you have done nothing Aqua." Aqua turned around to see who it was now. "WINTER," she exclaimed. Winter smiled and Carmey was right behind her with their shovel. "I though she should get up  to help us out here. Oh, hi Sans." Sans waved at them his face looked disappointed.

     Soon they all finished Old Man Manuals walk way."Hey Sans want to  come with us on our walk?" Winter asked. "Sure," he said dusty pink on his cheeks. "Alright lets go," Carmey said looking at the two love birds. She then winked at them and started moving on forward to finish their walk.


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