Chapter 3 Alone with Sans

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The walk was very pleasant, Carmey and Winter knew they had love birds on their hands. Every once in a while Winter saw Aqua and Sans look at each other then quickly look away. Some times Aqua just wanted to be alone with Sans .

And like Carmey was reading her mind she said, "Hey Winter I have an idea, lets have a race to the time tower." Aqua looked surprised, Winter and Carmey never left with out her before. She was with Sans but that would mean it would just be them alone together! Sans looked happy at Carmey's remark. I guess if it make Sans happy I will do it, but why would they run a mile just to look at the tower? Aqua thought to herself."Okay if its alright with you two to run a mile," Aqua said to her sisters who were ready to start their race.

"You say go Aqua!" Winter said in her ready position. Aqua shook her head,"READY.......SET.....GO!"

Her Sisters jolted off, leaving a puff on snow fly into the air. "How can they run in the cold air for a mile," Sans spoke out after they went out of sight. "So were alone now...," it sounded as if he was happy they were gone. "Ya, its just us now," Aqua said with a sigh. HOLY CRAP I,M ALONE WITH THE PERSON I LIKE AND THERE IS NO ONE AROUND TO CUT IN!!!!! Aqua was screaming inside, but on the out side she felt her face heat up.

"You okay Aquamarine." Sans had a serious tone in his voice. And he had never called her by her full name.

She felt like she was going to die, and it would be right in front of her crush! Sans looked the same as her, like he was screaming inside too. They were just standing there, five minutes past with silence. Sans soon broke the glass."We should keep moving if we want to see the tower before lunch."

Aqua shook her head and they started back of on the walk.

"So, do you have any plans next week," Sans asked. "Um... I have every day next week but Thursday,"Aqua said just remembering she had to babysit that day. Sans looked guilty of something. "Is there something your not telling me Sans," Aqua tried to flirt. His face turned red.

The tower was coming into view. " Um.... Aquamarine will you go out on a date with me on Monday?!"

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