Chapter 8, Sunday Dinner (2)

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sorry for not posting things lately, i just moved so i will try to catch up on the whole thing and the dates next!!!                                                                                                                                                                                         XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                 

While the three worked on the food, tiny little frisk lay on the couch fast asleep. No one ever knows what Winter does in her room when the food is being made. The smell of the home made bread woke up the little tutu child. They walked into the room stomping, but the stomps were quiet. Toriel turned around and picked up Frisk.

They yawned and then rested there head on her shoulder. The food was almost ready when a knock came from the door. Carney ran over to see who it was, when opening the door she yelled "DADDY!"

Frisk ran into the room wanting to see there father, It was Asgore. Toriel walked into the room her face turned cold. She walked back into the kitchen and continues on the cinnamon butterscotch pie, Asgore was still hugging his two children. 

"Who was at the door mom?" Aqua asked. Toriel  was stirring the bowl of the ingredients a little to hard. Aqua sighed and continued on the bread. Carmey walked into the room and turned off the stove. "The soup is ready mom," she said while stirring it some more to keep it warm. Toriel stopped what she was doing and went to check out how the soup tasted. Her face angry face went to a very very happy one. Aqua walked over to take a bite of it two, her face turned a sweet pink as she swallowed her bite of soup. "That's yummy Carmey, what soup is that." Carmey grabbed the recipe she used for the soup and read the name. "Winter's Creamy Soup," she said giving it to her mom. Toriel looked at the ingredients that were in it. "Did she make this recipe herself," Toriel said with a smile on her face. "It looks like her hand writing, she does sometimes cook when your not here mom." Aqua said looking at the piece of paper.

"She should come down and cook with us more then," Toriel said. She put the paper down and walked into the other room. Asgore was sitting on the couch with Frisk, they were showing Asgore the tutu that they were wearing. Toriel smiled and went up the stairs to go get Winter for dinner.

They all sat at the table that was set for dinner. They talked and ate, everything was going good. Even Toriel was talking to Asgore. Aqua smiled, her family was laughing an having fun. Then the date popped into her mind and the fun was going to end.

 Aqua stood,"everyone i have an announcement to make." Their eyes were on her she felt a bit nervous to say it to her family. She took a deep sigh and continued,"um...... i am going on a date with sans." 

Aqua opened her eyes to look at her family. Toriel was smiling Frisk was to busy eating and Asgores mouth was wide open. Carmey was just smiling happily and Winter stood up also. "I have something to say too. (Winter takes a deep breath) " I..... um am going on a date too, with Neo." Toriels smile left her face. "So you mean to tell me the guy you are dating is the same one that was here this morning, am i right Winter." Toriel said. Winter was the only one standing up now. Aqua was a bit mad at her sister for rudely interrupting her. Carmey jumped up "anyway we are all happy for the both of you!!!" 

The rest of the meal was silent, but when dishes came around Asgore had to leave and Winter disappeared into her room. "Hey mom you shouldn't be mad at Winter......maybe she just wanted to share her news as well," aqua said turning to her mom who was putting plates away. Toriel took a deep breath put down the plates and walked up the stairs. Carmey took over the job of putting plates away.

After talking to Winter Toriel finally came down."Well i should head out before the other storm hits." They nodded their heads and waved bye to their family.They watched as Toriel left with Frisk into  the darkening sky. She turned "good luck on your date Aqua." and they were swallowed up by the foggy night. 

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