Chapter 10 The Date? (2)

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The date was drawing near as the minutes passed. Aqua sat on her bed thinking of what that voice was talking about. What did it mean by 'impostors'

The thought swam around in her head for about an hour. She didn't eat lunch and Winter hasn't even left her room. Its like she is thinking about what that voice said too. 'i wonder whats going on with Carmey is she worried about me and Winter ........'

A knock came to her bedroom door. "Come in," Aqua said staring at the ceiling. Carmey opened the the door and stuck her head in the room. It was dark, the blinds were closed the room was a mess.

She walked all the way in and closed the door behind her. "Wow, you must be depressed....." Carmey said staring over to Aqua who eyes were stuck on the wall. She was quite for a while.

"What's going on, you can tell me." She said keeping her distance.

Aqua stared at her for a while not saying anything. Carmey stood there with her arms crossed.

Aqua blinked, her eyes widened at the figure she saw standing before her.

Was this a trick or maybe a dream, a really bad dream. In front of her she saw something so horrifying no words could describe it. The back round went darker and yellow petals could be seen with a evil grin.

"Aqua! Aqua!.........AQUA SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!!!!" a voice was heard over the foggy vision.

She blinked again, everything was normal....or was it. Carmey was holing her shoulders. "Thank goodness, you need to stop zoning of like that! You scared the pants of me with the look on your face!!" Carmey screamed/talked. "Oh sorry.......," Aqua squeaked."Well any way get up, it's almost sun set!!"
"Oh crap the date!!" Aqua screamed at herself. Your cloths are in the bathroom so when your done being depressed  go get ready. And I will help you with your hair." Carmey said as she left the room. Carmey stuck her head back in."I will go get Winter up so hurry he might be coming already."
Aqua got of her bed and went into her bathroom. She quickly bathed and dried off. She put on the dress that Carmey gave her to wear.
            The dress was teal, and it was to her ankles. The shoes, black ankle boots.
                   She looked into her long mirror that she has in her bathroom. Carmey came in and looked at her. "All we need now is hair and a belt, ear rings, and a necklace. She put a black belt on and a butterfly necklace and ear rings on her. "Hair time," Carmey said plugging in the wand. "Wait!!!!! Your gonna curl my hair!!!!!" Aqua screamed. Carmey sighed," just like Winter," she said reaching for the plug. 

"No, Carmey I meant that as a good thing. I want to curl it," Aqua said before Carmey unplugged it.


Aqua was sitting on the couch waiting, "Do you think he will be here soon, its almost completely dark outside." Aqua  jumped at the sound of the knock that came from the door.

She rushed over to answer it, before she did she made herself look better by quickly combing through her hair with hand and brushing of her dress. She'd known Sans for a long time why was she nervous?

She opened the door with a smile. Sans was standing there his eyes were closed and he was smiling. Wait isn't he always smiling? "Heyo, is Aqua here?" He asked, "Um.......I believe she is....right in front of you." Aqua gave a smirk, Sans opened his eyes. Light blue dusted his face. "S-should we go?" he asked. aqua nodded her head,"Bye Carmey be safe and don't die." There was a laugh from the kitchen "Okay i wont," her voice replied 

"Well she seemed happy, but is something wrong Aqua?" Aqua knew he might note that her actions were different. The good thing was that she planned out the whole thing while she was sitting on the couch. 

"What makes you think that!?" Aqua said with a fake laugh.

Sans began to speak,"Well your face is pale."

"Hehe, must be the makeup that Carmey made me wear!?" her face turned a little pink

They were silent for a while. The sunset was blaring, beautiful, and beaming pride. 'nothing could wreck this moment, here side by side with the guy i have a crush on. This is what i always dreamed.' Aqua thought to herself. At the bottom of the Sans broke the glass. 

"Hey, um Aqua. I know we've been like friends for like a couple years. And um you know the first time we hung out...." Aqua shook her head. "Well, that was actually are first date..." His face was red, Aquas was red too. 

"Wait really!?" Aqua said confused. "You probably didn't know it but i did. And today marks are 3 year mark as 'friends'."   

"Wait.... so all those times we've been dating?!" Aqua blurted out. Sans shook his head. "Wow, so you mean you really like me like lo-" Aqua was cut off by something in the distance. Her face went pale, Sans turned to see what she was looking at. A dark tall figure stood behind him. Its so called hand reached out. "Aqua get down!" He shouted. 

Next thing she knew she was hit by the cold. The snow was falling, Aqua had hit her head on the way down to the snow. Her vision was beginning to fade, voices became muffled. 

Closing her eyes she felt like the snow was making her sink. Pain rushed through her arm, she was to dazed to feel anything. But she knew that something had hit her. The laugh and the flower in her dream appeared, "Well well i am sure that wasn't what you were expecting. Enjoy your trip to my world for a while my dear!!!" He laughed and the falling felt real.

Laughter was the only thing heard from the darkness and Aqua fell, and fell,and fell,and fell.

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