Chapter five

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Waking up I expected the room to be dim with maybe a slight appearance of daylight, however, I was unhappily surprised at the amount of light streaming into my surroundings, drowning out every last trace of darkness.

I squinted my eyes and peered over to where last night I'd, out of tiredness, forgotten to close my curtains.

I sighed heavily before burying my head back into my warm duvet, blocking out the cause of my unappealing awakening I had received.

After dozing for a little while longer, I reopened my eyes and let them adjust to the light, looking down at a sleeping Mia. That was when all the memories from the previous day came rushing back, creating an excited feeling inside me, fuelling me to jump from my bed and find my phone.

After quietly sifting through all the crap in my room I discovered it lying dead on the floor and hurriedly plugged it into my charger.

Knowing it would take ages to regain an ounce of battery, I slipped into the bathroom, washed my face and then made my way down the stairs, deciding against waking Mia up.

I turned the corner and entered the kitchen diner, my mum coming into view. She was sat at the table, a coffee in her hand as she scribbled words down on her crossword. Hearing my arrival she turned her head and suddenly her eyes lit up.

"Good afternoon." She smiled, gently putting her coffee along with her pen down and making her way towards me. I was engulfed in a huge hug before taking recognition of her words. Peering over at the large clock I was shocked to see it was growing close to 1:00pm.

Pulling away she chuckled at my face before once again taking her seat. I trotted round to the other side of the table, taking a seat opposite her.

"I didn't realise it was that time!" I laughed, rubbing my eyes clear from those annoying little eye bogies.

"No I can tell," my mum smiled, sipping from her mug, "is Mia still asleep?"

I nodded, yawning, confused at how I was still tired seeing as I'd had way over eight hours of sleep.

"So go on then, tell me all about it." She urged, moving the newspaper to the side so I had her full undivided attention. I smiled at all the memories and quickly began spilling my guts, not missing out on a single detail.

My mum never failed to look interested in every word I spoke even though she barely knew the boys and when I explained about the meeting of Brad she gasped in shock before letting out a small squeal of excitement.

Though it was quiet, her slight squeal caught the attention of my younger sister who had been unaware of my presence and had been silently sat in the other room watching the TV.

Millie came sprinting in and a delighted look appeared on her face at the sight of me. "Brooke!" She spoke out as she unhesitatingly leaped onto me, sharing a tight embrace.

Millie was seven years old and through her life we had both shared quite a loving bond. She can be very annoying sometimes, but most of the time she just tries to join in with whatever I'm doing.

This can get quite irritating, especially when she tries to be around whenever I have friends with me, but she makes up for it with her obsession over The Vamps. It's not quite as big as my obsession but she's close. She's never going to believe the day I had yesterday.

Millie is small, she has big brown eyes, long hair to match and naturally slightly tanned skin, the exact same as me. However, the similarity in appearance does not continue when talking about personality.

Millie is loud, confident and outspoken, I'm quiet, shy and usually keep my thoughts to myself. But they say opposites attract and Millie and I definitely get on well.

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