Chapter eight

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My life was kind of muddled at the minute. School really dragged me down and consisted of boring lessons, sarcastic teachers and irritating populars that had still not finished with the whole Bradley situation.

Some days, Ashley and her friends would try and put me down by going into endless detail of how good looking Brad was and how stupid and ugly I looked next to him, whereas other days they would just simply tell me he was a bad singer and nobody even likes The Vamps. This really annoyed me and I had to physically bite my tongue to prevent arguing back because at the end of the day, that wouldn't solve anything.

On the other hand, my home life was just perfect. My dad was back for a whole week meaning me and him could just spend some quality time together and I had officially found out I had contact with Bradley, well, that's what I'd been told. I'm not fully trusting him as I haven't received any solid proof however, I have decided to partly believe him and refer to the number as either 'him' or 'Brad' as opposed to 'it' or 'them'.

After receiving the last text, confirming his identity, I couldn't think of a response for ages and then seeing as my dad had arrived home I'd just spent some time with him along with Millie and my mum away from my phone, enjoying some family time for once.

We ate pizza, caught up on some episodes of Modern Family and chatted away with each other like we didn't have a care in the world. I love moments like these, moments we don't usually get these days. It was perfect. Everything was perfect.

Well. That was until the arguing began.

The time was 8:45 and I'd taken the plates into the kitchen and out of the lounge as we'd eaten in front of the tv for a treat. Millie helped me and began scraping left overs into the bin. We'd left our parents alone for not longer than two minutes and their voices were already raising.

I sighed as Millie looked at me with wide eyes, and I took her hand in mine before walking up the stairs to get away from their loud shouts. This was a recurring matter when my dad came back, I swear both my parents were bipolar, one minute we'd be happy together, laughing about anything and everything, but then the next they'd be screaming at each other.

It was usually about money, I didn't fully understand as I was blocked out of the disagreements, but I knew my dads income was much larger than my mums, causing problems that seem stupid and irrelevant to me. Money may be the centre argument point, but my mum never fails to bring in the fact that we hardly ever see my dad as he's always away with work.

They scream and they shout but they never resolve anything. One of them just normally ends up sleeping in the guest bedroom and awkward dinner table situations are suddenly caused. It's very annoying.

I decided it was time for Millie to go to bed and I tugged her along to her room where I helped her change, watched her brush her teeth and after her request, plaited her hair.

"Why are mummy and daddy shouting?" She genuinely asked, her eyes full of sorrow as she crawled into bed and slipped under her rainbow duvet.

"Grown up stuff." I replied, giving her a soft smile as I tried to make things look better than they were. The shouting had stopped but doors had been slammed and I think they were in separate rooms.

"Have they stopped for good?" She whispered, craning her neck to listen for any noise downstairs.

"I think so, you just try and get some sleep yeah?" I said, kneeling down next to her bed as I made sure she had piggy next to her. Believe it or not piggy is a sheep, it was just named when Millie was too small to know better.

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