Chapter nine

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Usually I would fire back quick comebacks and always have a snappy smart arse comment to reply with. But this time, I was shocked.

Over and over I stared at the picture, my nerves rocketing sky high as I realised I'd taken on a constant sweat. I felt physically sick as the familiar feeling swept over my body and drowned out any background noise. The lounge was silent but before, I could faintly hear Millie singing along to some music in her room, my mum listening to the radio in the dining room and the slight ruffle of paper or click of the keyboard as my dad worked in his office.

However, now, there was just pure silence and somehow the lighting had decreased rationally, the once bright beam of sun had turned to a slight glow and I felt my face heat up along with the rest of my body.

All at once everything came rushing back but twice as magnified. Millie was suddenly shouting the lyrics, the radio in the next room had duplicated in volume and my dad seemed to be typing on the keyboard with a hammer. Light poured into the room and blinded me and my body temperature plummeted as I felt an army of goosebumps invade my skin.

I felt ill but exhilarated all at once. Happy and confused. Nervous and excited. Everything seemed so wrong but so right at the same time. I was going crazy.

I suddenly noticed the singing upstairs had stopped but before I could figure out why, Millie came barging into the room making me jump erratically as I tried my best to hide my phone in the most casual way possible.

"What are you hiding?" She asked immediately. Damn, I wasn't quick enough.

"Nothing, what're you on about?" I replied quickly, almost too quickly.

"You shoved something down the side of the sofa when I came in." She pressed, trying to peer down where my hand clutching my phone lay. I just kept up the confused act as she began to giggle and tried to pry my hand from underneath where I was sat. She thought this was a game but what am I going to say when she asks me why I so desperately wanted to hide my phone from her.

"Your phone?" She questioned when I eventually gave up and pulled my hand out, showing her my phone.

"Yeah- I was..looking at uh, what for your birthday." I said, mentally face palming my hand. That is probably the oldest, most known and most identifiable excuse ever made which is why I immediately grimaced after saying it.

"My birthday isn't until ages away!" She frowned. Why is she so persistent.

"Well you know me, I'm very organised." I smiled. I was the complete opposite to organised.

"Hmmm." She murmured, still staring at me. Luckily I managed to give her a quick smile, turn off the tv and leave the room without being questioned further about my actions.

That was close.


Now in my room I began thinking of a response as I tried to calm myself down. I felt much better than before but there was nothing I could do to prevent these pestering little butterflies from flapping around in my tummy. It was exhausting feeling this nervous all the time.

Brooke: how did you get that photo

I know it's a stupid question, not to mention simple, but there was nothing else I could put.

Brad: there's this thing called a camera ;)

Brooke: so you're telling me you are THE Bradley Simpson

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