Chapter fifteen

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The air was thick and the music was loud. Ashley's house was huge which meant only more and more people arrived- there was no guest list.

People I'd never seen before danced on tables, kissed in corners and stumbled around clutching drinks. Everywhere was mayhem.

There was sick on the floor, games being played and balloons everywhere. I can see why people described Ashley as being the best party thrower; she just didn't seem to care what was going on.

I made sure to stick right next to Tyler, for some reason feeling vulnerable at Ashley's house. It was only 11:15 and already the party was in full swing. The sound was deafening as people shouted over the music to be heard.

A mixture of smells such as sweat, drugs alcohol and even sex could be smelt as they lingered no matter where you went. I didn't dare go upstairs as I can imagine in each room I'd find things I definitely didn't want to find.

I held a red cup and sipped occasionally as Tyler and I stood off to one side. We decided to we needed to 'loosen up' a bit before we dance, otherwise we'd just feel stupid.

I'd had half my drink already but was interrupted when a cold hand grabbed my shoulder.

"You came!" Ashley squealed, pulling me in for a huge hug. I didn't properly hug her back as I was still surprised by the action in the first place. What has gotten into her?

"I'm so glad you're here, hope you enjoy the party! I'll catch you later." She winked. Then just like that she sauntered off followed by Kayleigh, Rose and Logan.

I stood shocked as she left but was only more surprised when Logan turned to send a smirk directed straight at me. Tyler didn't see it so I didn't make too much of it, but I definitely felt my cheeks flare slightly at the interaction I'd just had with a boy.

I sighed and rubbed my head before deciding tonight was a night of celebration. Four drinks and two shots later, I'd grabbed Tyler's hand and we were right in the centre of the party, jumping and dancing to the thumping music.

In that moment I forgot about everything and everyone, and it felt bloody damn good too.


B r a d

11:30 and we were still here waiting. The police had turned up but they had just began taking order and moving fans. The bus had stopped rocking which was a good thing but there was still no way we'd be able to leave just yet without knocking at least one person over.

"This is mental." James exclaimed with a grin, all of us still watching through the windows. They were blacked out so nobody could see in but that didn't stop them from banging and hitting them. They just didn't let up.

Eventually the police managed to forcefully clear an area around the vehicle, safe enough for the bus to begin its departure.

I watched as people waved and screamed, not waving back because they wouldn't have been able to see anyway. Instead I wandered to the back of the bus where Tris and I lounged as we awaited the arrival at the hotel.

He scrolled through Twitter while I took the chance to Text Brooke. It was crazy how much we talked and honestly how close we'd gotten. I know she's still incredibly shy but I plan to change that when she's around me. I want her to be comfortable.

She told me she was at a party due to the fact today was her last day of College so I decided to just check up on her and see how things were. I remember the last time she was at a party she had me worried sick.

Brad: hey, everything okay? Hope you're having a great time:)

She probably wouldn't reply straight away so instead I opened up Instagram and checked up on what my friends back home were doing.

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