Chapter seven

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Walking the halls. Probably the most nerve racking thing any high school student had to face, unless of course you were 'popular'.

It was scary, but inevitable. Everyone was forced to do it. Whether it be to get to your next class, to get to your form room, or to even get to the food hall, it was impossible to avoid.

Of course, I tried my best to minimise the amount of times I had to do it, by taking a longer route outside or just deciding I wouldn't eat, allowing the trip to the food hall to be cancelled.

The reason for the journey along the school halls being so terrifying was no doubt because of one thing and one thing only.

The people there.

Constantly, the populars would lurk either side of the corridor, surrounding the lockers, laughing, joking, chatting. It was unbearable.

Walking through them was like walking through thousands of people wanting you dead. Their evil eyes burn holes into your soul and there's nothing you can do but quicken your pace and attempt to escape. The halls never fail to be full, at every grasped chance, all the large groups that act like they control the school, will bag their place along each side of the long corridor and await victim after victim- people like me.

I don't fully understand. Why they enjoy making people feel uncomfortable and self conscious within a few seconds of walking past them. What do they get out of it? Achievement? A sense of accomplishment? No. Nothing, yet it makes them happy to see endless students rush past bright red in the face after being stared upon as if they were something found on the bottom of a shoe.

You may be thinking I'm overreacting, but I swear, once you witness the awful things said to you or even just one of those uncomfortable glares, you will never want to walk the halls again. It's a nightmare.

Both of my morning classes had finished meaning it was break. Usually break was one of the most exciting times of the day, a nice relax in between classes, however, for me it was one of the worst. At least in class I was there to focus and learn, avoiding any type of distraction, that being known as friends, but at break and lunch, in total it was a whole 90 minutes of free time, a time made purely for interaction, something that did not come easy to me.

Usually I guess it was okay, I would find either Tyler or Mia and we would just casually hang, maybe listen to some music, find a nice shaded spot under some trees and just allow the time to fly by, but it was Monday and Monday meant Tyler had biology tuition and Mia had music lessons.

This was a repeated thing not just on Mondays but Wednesday's and Friday's too, Tyler needing desperate help in the specific section of science seeing as he wanted to study biomedical engineering in the future and Mia needing extra lessons on more than one instrument as she wanted to peruse her dream of performing.

I have one talent which luckily I am in love with. Writing. You give me a piece of paper and a pen and I will happily begin writing a novel, a letter, a newspaper article, anything at all. It's my passion. But because I'm so in love and because I dare say myself I am quite good at it, I don't need the extra help so I am left alone for three out of the five days while Tyler and Mia work hard to follow their dreams.

Today the weather isn't very pleasing and it only worsens my mood as my gaze fixates on the dull clouds. I wasn't too happy this morning when I found out I had to come to the forgotten hell called school but then being embarrassed by two out of two teachers was the icing on the cake.

I trailed indoors, deciding against sitting outside, before trudging past many classrooms. Where should I go?

I turned a corner and found an empty corridor, dragging my feet along slowly as I decided on heading towards my form room. I got to the end before remembering the path I would have to take to reach my chosen destination. The locker hall.

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