Chapter 1

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I'm staring at my bedroom ceiling, thinking of the only person in the world that can make me crazy, loving, violent, or anything in between. The only one I could possibly love this much. And that person, is my Katniss.

I get up and make my way to her small house in the Seam before the sun could even think about rising. Two fresh loaves of bread in my hands, I paid for them myself. I could have gotten the stale, dried out bread for free, but I spoil her. I'm gonna be broke when we get married. That I can almost promise anyone.

I don't bother to knock before I walk in. The door isn't locked, it never is. I try to be quiet. Today is Reaping Day; if you wake up, you won't be going back to sleep. It's little Primmy's first year, she'll be needing it.

I walk over to Katniss. Prim may need her sleep, but her day starts early. I kiss her awake."Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." I say, refering to an ancient story about a princess awoken by the kiss of a prince. She smiles up at me and I smile back down at her. I show her the bread and her face lights up.

"Peeta, this must have cost you a fortune!"

"I would hardly call ten dollars a fortune."

"I would! That's as much as I make off of three squirrels!"

I wave it off. She gets up before noticing the sleeping Primrose at her side. "Don't wake up little Primmy, Kitty Kat." I whisper. She gives me another peck on the lips. Her hair is still tangled from her sleep, it's so adorable. "Do you think I could stay here until the reaping?" I ask

"Yes, Peeta, are you going to the reaping dressed like that?" she quips. I look down. I'm wearing an old, tattered shirt with holes all over it and baggy pants with rips on them where there shouldn't be rips.

"I'll go after Prim wakes up. But for now, it's just you and me." I drawl before kissing her again. Long and passionate, just the way I like it.

"Am I interrupting something, my seventeen year old daughter?" Mrs. Everdeen questions.

"No, Violet. Sorry, it was my idea." I say with a hint of a smile.

"I'm sure it is." She smiles and brings me in for a hug. "Good morning Peeta." She says. At least she likes me.

Our hug is interrupted by a high pitch scream cutting through the air. "NO!" I release her and turn in the ditection of the noise.

Katniss bends down over Prim and holds her, whispering soothingly into her ear. "It's okay, it's okay. You were just dreaming."

"I-Is Peeta here?" She squeaks.

I walk over to her. I sit on my knees next to the bed. "Hey, Primmy." I say with a reassuring smile. She wraps her little twelve year old arms around me like she wanted to break me in half. "It's okay, Prim." I return her embrace.

"I-It was me." She manages to choke out.

"No, Prim. You'll be okay." I wipe a tear from her cheek with my thumb.v"Everything will be okay." I whisper as I put a blond lock of hair behind her ear. I stand back up after a short moment of comforting her. "I've gotta go." I tell everyone. "Can I come back before the Reaping?"

"Yes, Peeta. You're always welcome." Violet assures me.

Katniss wraps her arms around my neck. I wrap mine around her waist as she kisses me gently on the lips. She pulls back and places her forehead on mine. "I hate saying goodbye to you." She whispers. "It makes it sound like you're never coming back."

"Well then, let's say something else. Let's not say goodbye. We'll say," I breathe in, searching my memory for the perfect phrase, "See you later."

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