Chapter 21

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I wake up with the sound of rain pounding on the ceiling of the cave. Still drowsy, I stand and make my way outside. Through all the rain, I can't tell the time of day. I turn to walk back in when it suddenly hits me.

I'm walking. How the Hell am I walking?

My fingers fumble as I pull up my pant leg and examine my spear injury. I'm amazed. Nothing but a scratch remains. Not even pain lingers.

I smile. We can go home! But where's Katniss?

The thought sends me running back into the cave. I find her on the floor, a pool of blood surrounding her motionless body. "Katniss!" I scream and hurry to her side.

The first thing I do is check her pulse. Her heart is still beating. She's alive, at least.

I look around for the medicine she used on me, but only find an empty syringe. Whatever was in it before is gone, so it's of no use to me.

I smash it against the wall in frustration. I told her not to go! Why would she drug me and do it behind my back?!

Then again, she did save my life. But she might have killed herself in the process.

My anger is replaced with sadness and fear as I lift my Katniss off of the hard ground and place her in the sleeping bag. "It's okay, Sweetheart. I'm going to take care of you." I say softly as I start to wipe the blood running down her temple away. I know that she can't hear me, but I still feel that I needed to tell her. I'm almost sure that she already knows.

I continue to clear the blood from her face until I find a giant cut running across her right eyebrow. It doesn't seem too deep, but I could be wrong. It's deep enough to cause her to bleed into unconsciousness.

More blood tries to trail down her face, but I wipe it away before it can reach her hairline. I take out the first aid kit and wrap some of the gauze around her forehead. I have to redo it four times before the blood stops soaking through it.

For the first time in a millon years, I'm hungry enough to eat just about anything. I dig into the bag with our food in it and end up eating three giant pieces of groosling. I'm about to satisfy myself with more until I look at our remaining rations; a handful of raisins and one last chunck or the bird. Who knows how long it'll be until Katniss can hunt again? I deside that I've had my fill and watch the rain fall while stroking Katniss's hair.

The fallen plays and I notice that a face has been added. Clove is dead. There's no doubt in my mind that she's the one that cut Katniss. It looks like a knife mark.

Even though I haven't been up for long, I don't think I could be more tired. I take the tiniest piece of gauze and place it over the slightly bleeding prick in my arm. I guess that's where she gave me the shot.

Then I crawl into the sleeping bag with Katniss's back facing me. I raise her head and let her use my arm as a pillow. Then I rest my other arm over her, holding her closer than ever. I kiss her hair. "Goodnight, Sweetheart." I whisper before falling into a dreamless sleep.


Really short, I know, and I'm sorry. I just really wanted to add this into the story and I didn't want to put it in Chapter 22 otherwise it would be huge!

I wrote this at 11pm, so I'm sorry if it sucked.

Goodluck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

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