Chapter 4

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When I wake up, the other side of the bed is cold. My fingers stretch out, seeking Katniss's warmth but finding only the soft sheet over the fluffy bed frame.

I stand, searching the room for any sign of her, and with no good fortune, I look out the window. I had a dreamless sleep last night, a rare treat for me when otherwise they're pervaded with nightmares.

We must be about to pass another district. It's not truly dawn yet, but the sun is begining to poke above the mountains. It must be Two.

Just then, she opens the bathroom door, siging lowley. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." I give her a look that lets her know that I'm on to her, that I don't by it. "I miss Prim." She drawls, hushed to the point that I could barely hear her.

"I know, me too." I say, wrapping her in my arms.

"I just, wonder what they're doing right now. I wonder if they could even eat supper last night, or if mom has already turned on her, or if-"

"Shhh." I advise her. "They'll be okay, Kitty Kat. They're stronger than you think they are."

"I," she exhales. "I know."

"Okay." I plant a kiss on her forehead and let her go free.

"Up, up, up. It's going to be a big, big, big day!" Effie excites after banging on the door.

We snicker when we're sure that she's gone."I'm gonna go take a shower. If I were you, I would go eat while it's still warm."

"Okay." She replies."And whatever happens, do not
press the button in the middle!"

"I'm not even gonna ask." I say tiredly. I'm still not completely woken up.

I take a quick shower, making sure to stay away from that button. I love Katniss to death, but I wonder about her sanity sometimes.

I throw on some sweat pants and a flanel shirt. I make my way down the corridor to the breakfast table. Katniss and Effie are exchanging small talk at the mahogany masterpiece. Haymitch is twirling a knife in his hand, looking like a child who got his toy taken away. He looks up as I come in. "Sit down. Sit down." He waves me over and I sit next to my future bride.

As I'm being served plenty of food, Katniss grasps by hand under the table. The one thing I'm focused on is the hot chocolate. Excusing myself briefly, I get the cookies and bring them back to the table.

Katniss and I share my mug of the rich brown drink, dipping bits of cookies into it.

"So." I hold my hand over my mouth until I swallow my bite of cooked dough with chocolate, "You're supost to give us advise."

"Here's some advise. Stay alive." Katniss and I exchange a glance. She can probably see the anger boiling up inside me, like how I can see the tiniest bit hurt in her eyes. I won't let anybody hurt her, especially not a damn old drunkard. I can just imagine her telling me to calm down and not to do anything that I'll regret. I'm usually a very mild person, but not when people mess with my family. I have been more enraged in the last two days then I have been in an entire year.

I start to chuckle a little. Katniss gives me the strangest look. I just keep laughing. "You know Haymitch, that's very funny." I pretend to wipe away a tear. Then I reach across the table and knock the glass out of his hand. It shatters as soon as it touches the ground. "Only not to us." I say sharply.

Haymitch considers this for a minute, then attempts a swing at me. I grab his arm and bend it backward until I hear it snap and he lets out a small yelp of pain.

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