Chapter 19

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"A sleeping bag, a water skin, extra socks, a slingshot, some knives, a couple of spear heads, this leather pouch, a full bottle of water, pack of fruit, a hand full of roots and nuts, one last beef strip, and a first aid kit." I name off the items in the pile. Katniss divided the things, putting food and water holders in Marvel's old bag and everything else in her's, leaving Rue's bag empty incase we need it later.

But she leaves out the first aid kit. "Let's see what's in here." She says to helself before cracking it open. She takes out a bottle of pills and looks to me. "Are you feeling cold?"

I continue to shiver. "No." I quip. "I've been shaking with pleasure." Between the cold and the pain, I keep praying that it will be over soon.

"Come on, Peeta. Be serious." She begs and places a hand on my forehead. "You feel hot." Taking a pill out of the bottle, she hands me it and the water. "Take these."

I do as she says. I know that it takes time for medicine to work it's magic, but I'm tired of the chills.

"Are you hungry?" She asks.

"Not really." I reply.

"You haven't eaten all morning. We need to get some food into you, Peeta."

"Please no." I beg. "I feel like puking as it is. But she won't take no for an answer. She makes me choke down the last beef strip and I can feel the acid rising up. "Thanks. I'm much beter, really. Can I sleep now, Katniss?"

"Soon." She promises. "I need to look at your leg first." I know that she's trying to be gentle, but I let out quite a few sharp cries of pain as she removes my boots, socks, and slowly, my pants.

It's not like when she sees aminals bleed, or even a few of her mother's patients, her face turns pale and she runs out of the cave. I hear her throwing up from here.

She comes back in and sits down beside me. She's not ready to look at it.

I kiss her cheek. She leans into my chest and I wrap my arm around her. I sigh and finally accept my fate. I was meant to die, right here. I was destined too, and it can't be unwritten. "Katniss, why don't you just leave me?" I blurt out.

Katniss untangles herself from my side. She stares straight into my eyes. Tears begin to form, I can see them. "What?" She asks.

"I'm dead anyways." I admit. "I'll be surprised if I pull through until morning." Tears poke in my own eyes. I'm not ready to die. There's still so much I want to do.

"Don't say thay!" She snaps. "Just don't!"




"No! I'm not gonna leave you!" She screams. Her tone is much quieter as she finishes. "I'm not gonna do that."

"Why not?" I ask.

Then she kisses me. She probably didn't know what else to do. God knows I don't. But this kiss is different then most of the ones we've shared. Yes, this I have felt before, but not as strongly. It's a burning desire, like a hunger, in my stomach and chest saying that I need more; that I can't settle without enough.

So as soon as she breaks away, I reconnect our lips immediately. It's like I can't let her go. Then again, why would I have too?

It's shooting pain that pulls us appart. It feels like another spear tears my flesh open with every beat of my heart. She quickly stands and goes to kneel in front of my leg. "We're going to have to clean it first." She instructs. "And to do that, we'll need to go to the lake just outside." She packs up the first aid kit and lays it next to the cave's entrance. "Come on." She helps me up and outside. We hobble over to the lake and she lays me up against a rock. She goes back for my clothes and the first aid kit before siting in front of my outstretched leg.

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