Scare Me

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"Can I hold them?" Naiyla slurred out as the two beautiful babies screamed. A boy and a girl.

We couldn't tell which was the vampire or which was the werewolf but I had a small idea.

The nurse came around with the babies wrapped in green blankets and handed them over to me.

Both of their eyes were closed as they snoozed quietly.

"Here Naiyla." I said leaning over and putting them into her arms.

She smiled, "They're beautiful."

"Just like their mother." I said.

"I love you Micah." Naiyla said before her eyes closed.

Her breathing was becoming slower and slower by the second. And her heartbeat fading.

"Her heartbeat is slowing down." I said slightly panicking. Is this normal?

The doctor looked at me then down at Naiyla.

"Wait a minute." He said doing something on the other side of the curtain, "Nurse come here." he said.

The nurse gasped and they started moving around quickly.

"Someone get him out of here." the doctor said before I could ask anything.

"What is happening?" I emptily asked.

No one answered me but fear was leaking through their pores. I looked down at Naiyla to see her not breathing. I put my hands on her chest looking for a heartbeat.

Barely there.

"What is happening? What the fuck is wrong with her!!!" I yelled.

"Get him out of here!!!" The doctor yelled again.

Suddenly the door was opened sending me into defensive mode. Luca took over and was hovering over Naiyla, protecting her from the intruders.

He growled defensively and snapped at them.

"We need darts!!" Someone yelled but I was only paying attention to the two Lycans that entered the room along with a vampire.

They're trying to hurt our mate and pups!!!

Luca yelled.

He growled again snapping at the Lycan that tried to reach for our pups.

"We can't save her if he is not out of here!" Someone yelled from behind me.

I turned to growl at him only to be tackled to the ground by four people.

Three Lycans and a vampire.

I roared throwing two of them into a wall and biting one of the others while clawing at the last one.

I latched my jaws around someone's arm and threw them away from Naiyla and my pups.

I stood up in full Lycan form, my head scraping the ceiling, and jumped over to Naiyla standing over her again and growling at the four.

I kept my eyes trained on them making sure none of them stepped any closer.

Underneath me I could feel Naiylas breathing every once in a while and her occasional heartbeat.

I whined nuzzling my head into her neck and licking my pups foreheads.

I felt six things prick my back and growled looking back at the four threats.

One of them was holding a weapon of some sort which I am assuming shot me.

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