Alpha Academy- Low Down Dirty Shame

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Above is Alpha Naiyla(her eyes are gold in the story)

Btw as of right now my favorite tv show is American Horror Story: Freakshow<3<3
And Big Bang Theory<3

The fact that I have never seen more out of shape WARRIRORS in my life is baffling. The few thousand warriors standing in front of me couldn't run farther than sixteen miles before getting tired.

16!!!! That's like a warm-up to my pack!!

The fact that they can only run that much is baffling like wow!

"EVERYONE STOP!!!" I yelled frustrated.

Everyone quit what they were doing, some even dropping to the floor, gasping.

"Alphas! I have one simple question for you. When and How the hell did your pack train?"

"W-we didn't t-train everyone." Alpha Coy said out of breath.

"And why not?" I asked.

"Not everyone needs to know how to fight. The only ones who need to are our defense and offensive line." I narrowed my eyes at him and put my hands behind my back, pacing.

"Say your defensive and offensive line is taken down. Your mate, child, along with other females and people who can't defend themselves are at the pack house, thinking they won't get hurt because they are being protected. Some rouges get through and no one is there to protect them but themselves. But they all end up being killed. Every single one of them. And why are they all gone? Because you as an Alpha didn't take he time to make sure every one of your pack member is able to defend themselves until a warrior or you get there." I said stopping directly in front of him looking straight into his eyes.

He was absolutely speechless, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, "Now do you see why everyone should have some training."

He nodded quickly, "Good, now everyone I will be splitting up the warriors, defense, and offense. The rest of you can go." I said waving everyone else off.

"Wait how come they can go!" a voice yelled out from the crowd.

"Who said that?" I said.

A boy about seventeen stepped out from the crowd.

"Grif get back in line." Alpha Terry yelled.

"No, I want to know why they get to go." he said.

"Disobeying an alpha is grounds for severe punishment." I said getting angry now.

"He's not going to hurt me. Its not like you can do anything either you're just a girl. Why are we even listening to you." He said looking smug.

I took slow steps forward, Shira pummeling against her cage to get out.

A hand found my shoulder, "Please Alpha Naiyla he doesn't know what you are. Let me deal with him."

"Alpha Terry not only has he disobeyed you but has disrespected another Alpha. If he were in my pack he wouldn't see daylight again." I ripped my arm away from him.

"Grif, you have disobeyed your Alpha and disrespected me, if you were in my pack you would either be dead or not allowed to shift. Instead you will be fighting me. If you win you can do whatever you want. If I win you are to be here an hour early every day and are not to leave until an hour after the training session. Do we have a deal?"

He smirked and took my outstretched hand, "Deal."

We walked out a little ways into the clearing, everyone stepping back to give us some room.

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