Alpha Academy- The Fight

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GreenZeldaGirl you have won the game of life by having the same favorite color as me. Congratulations!!



I skidded back as my father once again struck at me straight on.

"Aww come on old man don't tell me you've lost your touch?" I said smirking at him.

"Don't worry baby girl I'm just warming up." he said.

He's been saying that this whole time and nothing has changed. Yes we have a crowd of curious people. No they aren't yelling shift and stuff. we save that until both of our human bodies are exhausted.

I ran at my dad faking a jumping hit only to slide between his legs and kick them out from under him. He quickly retaliated and got up grabbing my arm and threw me into a nearby tree.

I laid there for a second before pulling myself out of my indention in the tree.

I smirked at my dad before I ran at him, before i was directly in front of him I flipped over him getting ready to flip him only to have him swing his fist around and hit my side. I retaliated and swung my fist hitting him in the back only to have him hit the back of my knees making me fall onto them. I rolled away from him and got back up swinging my leg out only to have him jump up away from it.

All of a sudden my dad took four large steps back and smirked at me. I scrunched my eyebrows at him and he took off his shirt and pants leaving him in boxers.

He smirked again and thats when his bones started reshaping and growing.

In my head I was looking at him wide eyed and terrified. Not of him but of the fact that I can't back out of a challenge in Lycan form. Shira wouldn't let me.

When my dad finished shifting whispers erupted.

All of them aimed toward me.

'Is she going to shift?'

'Is she like her dad?'

'What does she look like?'

'Can she even shift?'

I let out a deep breath and let myself give into Shira pummeling into her cages walls.

My bones slowly shifted into their second form. My body getting taller and broader. Silver fur sprouting from my skin. My mouth and nose elongating into a snout and my fingers elongating into claws.

Once I was done shifting I stood on two feet facing my father. I shook my body out and turned my head toward the crowd.

All of them had their jaws slack and their eyes popping.

A howl broke out making me turn back to my father quick enough to dodge his lunge and jump straight back into our fight.


I sat crouched on the ground still in my Lycan form breathing heavily. My father across the way from me laying down.

I wasn't that injured. Just a few broken ribs and scratches along my body. My dad had a broken leg and a long gash across his eye.

I knew I wasn't going to be able to go on any longer until I healed so I made eye contact with my dad and bowed my head in submission.

He bowed his head in return and I collapsed to the ground breathing heavily. This was a hard fight.

It went on longer. As I get closer to my eighteenth birthday my Lycan gets stronger to challenge my father for his position when the day comes.

"That was the most exciting fight I've seen in forever!!" I turned my head to the side to see most of the pack Alphas and members sitting on one side of the battlefield.

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