Hella High

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Alpha Naiyla

My alarm blared in my ear making me slide the thing furiously.

It kinda makes me mad that I didn't bring my hulk alarm clock so I could slam my hand down on it.

I picked up my phone to look at my clock to see that it was 5:30 am. I groaned into my pillow and tried to fall back asleep.

"Naiyla get up!!!" I heard my father yell from the living room.

"Why!" I yawned.

"Because our flight leaves in an hour and a half." He yelled.

"Alright I'm up!" I groaned sitting up and trudging over to the shower.

I got in then dried off and put on a pair of black Nike leggings with a red Just Do It on the left leg and a red hoodie with Nike in Black and finally a pair of black and red Nikes.

I put my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head and then walked to the living room with my phone in my pocket.

Once I opened my door there was a plethora of smells. I walked past the living room and into the kitchen to see my father finally putting the stove to use.

He turned off the burners and made us plates before setting them on the table.

I sat down and started eating, "Who said that food was for you." My dad said.

"Well whoever it was for they're missing out." I said with food in my mouth.

Surprisingly my father hasn't asked about Micah and I. It's like he already knows and is waiting for something to happen.

"Do you have everything packed? Formal and casual?" He asked.

"Yes do I need to bring a ball gown or anything?" I asked knowing that their annual party thing was coming up.

"Only one Deidre said they might move up the party because of the rogues and all." he said.

"Alright." luckily I already packed two of them in My bag just in case, since I already sent my bags.

We finished eating and I washed our plates and dishes since no one will be here for a week.

I turned off all of the lights and locked all of my important documents in the rooms safe before locking it. I grabbed my red Micheal Kors leather sack and put my phone keys passport and ID in it before grabbing the last apple in the empty fruit basket before heading out the door to meet my father, Francis, and Micah outside.

I locked my dorm door and stepped into the elevator still tired and leaned against the elevator wall.

The elevator dinged and I wiped my face walking into the lobby.

"Uh Alpha Naiyla that's my room." I opened my eyes and looked up to see Mitch. And I looked behind him to see his door.

"Oh I'm sorry I'm still kinda tired." I said as I stepped back into the elevator and kept my eyes open this time so I didn't walk into anyone else's room.

"What exactly are you going to do over there?" Mitch asked.

"Well, I said turning, "For a few days we are going to stay there to get to know the castle and see that "vampires are so bad" as they say then on the second to last day we will have a meeting about the rogue wolf and vampire problem."

"Oh. Please don't get eaten by a wolf. I know your dad, francis, and Micah are going but vampires are just as strong and you're going to be surrounded by them."

"I'll be fine. It would cause a war between species. The Lycan Guard would be involved along with the Werewolf Guard amongst many packs."

"Wait so the Lycan Guard is real? I thought it was a myth. Since there aren't a lot of you." he asked confused.

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