Chapter 29

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"Home Again"

Hannah's Pov:

Our vacation was over. It had actually been over since yesterday but it didn't feel real until just now as we pulled into my driveway. It has been the best two and a half months of my life. It all seemed almost like a perfect dream.

"Are you excited to be home?" Dylan asked from beside me once we parked.

"To an extent. Then to an extent I want to turn around and go back." I said with a light laugh.

"I know what you mean. It was the best time of my life. Well so far." He said looking over my face.

"One more week until we're heading towards the school and our apartment." I said with a small smile.

"It's just the next step in our lives together." He said squeezing my hand tightly.

"I can't wait. It seems like every step we take gets better and better." I said honestly.

"It does seem that way." He said laughing. I looked out the window and saw Jared's truck pull in beside us. All of our friends jumped out laughing and joking and that brought a smile to my face. I knew that I could look forward to seeing this for the rest of my life.

"You guys come one." Jared yelled out waving to us.

"Let's go inside." Dylan said pulling his hand form mine to open his door. I followed his lead and was immediately engulfed in a hug from Ally.

"I'm so glad to be home!" Ally exclaimed as she squeezed me.

"Me to. But I'm really going to miss Rome and my parents." I told her slightly sadly.

"Me to but now we get to pack and get ready for our road trip to college! It's a huge exciting step!" She said loudly as she practically started jumping around. I think she was more excited than the rest of us.

"I'm just ready for us to be moved into our place." Dylan said as he came up and wrapped his arm around me.

"We're ready for you guys to have your own place to. It's gonna be the hang out spot!" Wes said chuckling.

"You guys are so not going to be crowding our house all the time." Dylan told them.

"Not all the time. We have to have class." Wes said with a grin

"You guys are going to be annoying. I can already feel it." Dylan said shaking his head. I had to laugh at that.

"We're your friends so you have to get over it." Jared told him with a smirk.

"Let's go take our stuff inside." Dylan told me. We all walked over to my car and Dylan and Jared grabbed all the bags and practically ran off inside.

"That's weird." Ally said as we frowned after them.

"Maybe they have to talk about something." Wes said with a shrug.

"It's still weird." I said. Dylan never hid anything from me so I had no idea why he would need to run off to talk to Jared.

"They have to be up to something." Ally said.

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