Attack of the OCs

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Okay, I have had MAJOR writers block with this story, and that I believe is blatantly obvious. You have no idea how many different attempts I have made to this chapter alone! SO to help me actually write and finish this story I am doing the unthinkable… I am taking my favorite original characters and throwing them into the midst of the chaos of war. This is also where I will be showing my newest original character that has been mulling around in my brain for the good part of a year.

So yeah, hopefully this will be enough to bring a new chapter to life, or better yet an end to this story!

P.S. I am tired of writing in first person… so I’m not going to do it anymore

P.P.S. The reason this is so far off canon is it was created before ITACHI DIED…. In the manga. It still was not clear who the jinchuuriki were for the demons I used in this fanfiction, so I threw them in my own characters. Ugh



Chapter 12


Cobalt and Kaze stood facing the rest of the Akatsuki and Kaze found her hands resting cockily on her hips at the work she had done thus far. The cockiness showed directly on her facial expressions as she grinned nearly uncontrollably.


“Why are we waiting Dattebayo! Let’s go!”

“Shandaro! Naruto-baka shut up!”

“We should attack, ne Ame-chan” Naruto asked the girl standing awkwardly next to the blonde hyperactive ninja who looked up in shock at the boy

“I don’t know Naruto-chan” she said hesitantly as she bit her lip, her fear written very clearly in her body language.


“Raiki, are you sure this is a good idea?” A man with white hair and ice blue eyes asked the girl with blood red hair with orange streaks that was pulled into a high ponytail and looked like fire. Her catlike greenish silver eyes gleamed iridescently in the sunlight.

“Yup, and what I did I tell you about calling me by my given name?” She asked as she sent a light glare at the man

“Sorry…. Shinigami” He corrected

“Thank you Yuurei (Ghost)” The woman said before looking over to the man on her right. He looked ticked off, as always, and his orange eyes contrasted against his navy hair that stuck up in different directions around his face “What about you Youkai, you ready for this?” She asked and grinned, showing her elongated canine teeth.

“Whatever” He said looking away, his arms crossed and the woman sighed

“What would Kakashi say about this?” Yuurei asked

“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him” Raiki said confidently and the man sighed

“With the plan you have set out he is going to notice and he is not going to be happy”

“Oh well for him”

“You should be a little more worried about his reaction; he is your husband after all”

“Whatever” Raiki said and grinned before jumping off the cliff she was on which caused the two men she was with to sigh before following her example.


Cobalt looked over the people she used to associate herself with and paused to think of Itachi. He would have wanted her to take down this entire operation. And that is what she was going to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2011 ⏰

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