chap 11

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Chapter 11

“Damn it” I cursed


“I forgot to get the gas masks”

“Don’t worry about it” Cobalt said holding up two “I got them when getting my clothes” She said and untangled the said object from her belt loop and winked as she handed me one “With that said we should use stink bombs first” She said and in unison we brought out the stink bombs out. Cobalt brought out two lighters from her pocket and found a branch and took out a piece of rubber

“What are you doing?”

“Making a sling shot” She said as she wrapped the rubber along the two ends of the branches. I grinned at the idea

“What if we had multiple slingshots?” I whispered

“Good Idea” Cobalt said “But I only have this one piece of rubber”

“Then a little bit of recon work is in order” I said before hopping skillfully over the bush and landed quietly and hid behind one of the tents and waited for people to fully exit the tent before ravaging for anything stretchy. My favorite stretchy item was actually the straps on a bra. I gathered up bras and other stretchy fabrics and took my finding to Cobalt, who had gathered up branches in her wait and we cut the straps off the cups of the bras and tried them to the sticks, testing them before going to the next one. We had fixed up around 15, since we broke a couple of them. Cobalt pulled out a pile of paperclips before we set the slingshots in a row and cobalt took out the rope that she snagged from a tent and she had the slingshots pulled tight with the help of the paperclip on the rope and I set a tiny version of the larger smoke bomb on the rubber/bra strap and then to the next one and so forth until we caught up with each other at the end. She handed me a lighter and with a nod I went to the end of the line of smoke bombs. With the next nod I flicked open the lighter and lit the slingshots one by one until we got to the middle. We quickly put on the gas masks and we both pulled the rope, having half of the smoke bombs do what we wanted and fly off, just not as far as we wanted. Cobalt and I grabbed the failed ones and threw them, before grabbing the duffels and groping for the larger smoke bombs and lighting them as we rushed past the bushes, letting them fly. I stood in shock for a second when I saw people begin to make out. Cobalt grabbing my arm, reminding me I was on the battlefield now. We continued this routine of lighting smoke bombs and letting them fly until we were out, but it didn’t matter, we were nearly at the frontlines when we ran out. The fighting stopped as the two of us came out of the pink swirly smoke and once the air was clear enough we took off the masks, having them rest as a necklace of sorts, causing a bunch of people to gasp and jaws to slack. The blue man from before stared at the blue haired female next to me and pointed for a while before realizing his mouth was open


“Ouch, is that the best comeback you can think of Fish sticks?” Cobalt said sarcasm dripping off of every word, having her arms cross at her chest

“Fish sticks?!” The blue man said anger rolling off of him in waves “You insignificant bitch”

“Well of course you are called fish sticks, Kisame” Cobalt said, smirking “Because, really, what happened to you, you let yourself go!” She said evilly “If I kill you now the quality of your meat will no longer be good enough to make sushi out of”

I choked up a laugh at that one, causing Cobalt to smile even more.

“Did Itachi’s death affect you that much?” Cobalt added “That your lover was killed make you forget about keeping the quality of your meat at sushi grade level?” Cobalt said, wiping a non-existent tear, at her sarcastic words “I pity you” She said “Losing a lover is hard”

I was laughing enough to be on my knees at the face that Kisame was giving Cobalt. Kisame lunged at Cobalt, taking out his gigantic sword at jumping, Cobalt jumped as well, expecting this action, and once above Kisame she put her hand down and Kisame was suddenly pushed into the ground, a huge hole where he was to land. I stared at the hole in shock, still on my knees before looking up at a smug looking Cobalt.

A plant thing sprouted up between Cobalt and I causing me to scream and jump out of the way. Cobalt grabbed a bottle from her utility belt and sprayed it him without another thought

“AHH” two voices screamed in unison from the plant thing. Cobalt kicked him

“And don’t think I won’t do that to your children too” She threatened, before kicking once more for good measure.

A blonde slicked back haired guy from the frontline came up to Cobalt next

“Ha he looks like Draco Malfoy” I proclaimed happily, pointing

“Ha, doesn’t he” Cobalt said happily and I jumped over the still screaming plant and the ginormous hole and the two of us jumped happily in a circle “I haven’t seen you in a long time, how are you Princess Hidan?” She asked causing me to once more cough up a laugh. She grinned


“Is non-existent, how many times do I need to tell you this?” Cobalt said. I looked at the two weirdly at that comment. I didn’t understand, but Hidan did. He growled

“Bitch, I will kill you, and your blood will be an offering to Jashin-sama you whore!”

 “Now now princess, you know how impolite and rude it is to curse, don’t make me dress you up in a pink frilly dress again”

I stared at Cobalt in shock

“You did that?” I asked in wonder

“Yep” She said proudly causing Hidan growl again “And I’ll do it again in a heartbeat” She yelled to Hidan. Hidan began to visiably steam “By the way Jesus loves you” Hidan looked confused “Why don’t you wear a shirt?”


“It’s because you are a man-whore aren’t you?”

Hidan growled and began to grind his teeth

“I’m curious, what do you use to keep such an even complexion?”

“Why so you can use it on your fucking acne ridden face?”

“My face is not acne ridden you man loving whore!” Cobalt said, getting angry before attempting to calm down “Besides, you would need the cream for your complexion since you glow like a glowstick, and you probably need it so the guys will come your way”


“Oh, I’m sorry” Cobalt said sarcastically, smirking all the while. “Did you not want to come out of the closet just yet”

“You will die for Jashin-sama!”

“You mean Jasmin-sama” I burst out laughing as he charged, his three headed scythe high in the air. Cobalt stepped to the side, kneeing him in the groin and grabbing the scythe in one smooth motion. She looked at the man on the ground in between us with mild interest as he curled up in pain. She took a bite out of the scythe

“My scythe” He squeaked his voice higher than usual. I chuckled; Cobalt finished snacking on the scythe before throwing the pole down at him and forcing him into the ground as well and sprayed next to me with the bottle still in her hand. I turned around and sighed in relief, the plant thing had attempted to eat me, and I was so distracted I didn’t even notice. I hopped over the Hidan hole and went on the other side of Cobalt, for more protection.

“This is awesome” I said “I don’t think I have laughed this hard in ages!”

“Thank you for bringing me back here, I forgot how much fun this was”

“How did you do that with Hidan and Kisame?”

“I forced their Calcium and any other metal object away from me. I am basically a walking magnet anyway” She said

 We smiled at each other and together we turned, awaiting Cobalt’s next target and thankful of our new found friendship.

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