chap 9

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Chapter 9

After breakfast Gaara insisted I train. But we found there was a major problem, without Angin I had no chakra, with no chakra I could not be a ninja. I sighed at my luck.

I cried and Gaara comforted me as well as he could, but the only thing that I could think of to make me feel better, I concluded, was finding Angin and be put back together with him, for I had a giant hole of emptiness, and if I was bored, I could feel it intensify. I needed Angin back.

One week later

I tossed and turned in Gaara’s arms that night, and woke up breathing heavily. I sighed in relief and willed my body to calm down when I realized where I was before relaxing and then using Gaara as my pillow once more.

‘Great, another night with no sleep’ I thought as I turned as much as I could while being restrained by Gaara’s strong arms so I could halfway see the ceiling, and still see Gaara’s sleeping face. He looked content and peaceful when he slept. Which was the exact opposite of I have been sleeping lately. I have woken up from slumber in a panic, and had to deal with the newfound emptiness I have felt since Angin was taken from me. Tears flooded my eyes as I quickly wiped them away.

‘I need to get Angin back’ I thought as I kissed Gaara’s cheek


“I need to go to the bathroom” I whispered. He loosened his hold on me and I kissed his cheek once more “Thank you”

“Hn” I walked down the hallway to use the facilities as I thought of a plan to get Angin back. Most, if not all, concluded I would probably die. I sighed. I walked back into Gaara’s room and looked at his desk

‘If I should not act then just finding the Akatsuki until I come up with a plan would be wise’ I thought as I quietly sat at his desk and rifled through his paperwork scanning for any information. I sighed. It wasn’t working.

I resorted by taking out a blank piece of paper and began drawing a map of this world. ‘The last place Akatsuki was known to be was where I knocked out one of them which was near Iwagakure. But that cave did not look like anyone actually lived there so they must live somewhere else. From what Gaara told me about Akatsuki they are most likely to be found living in a cave, so if they did not want to be found in this area’ I thought as I circled and lightly colored in the area ‘Since they were found there before then the next place with a bunch of cliffs would be here’ I circled the mountainous area of Kumogakure ‘Now I have a theory, I just need something to verify.’ I thought as I sighed as I racked my brain ‘The kidnappers from the Chuunin exams’ I thought ‘If the kidnappers were really the Akatsuki’ I thought as I retraced where I was in Konoha and where I escaped and drew out a rough map ‘Then they were headed to this area’ I thought as I circled a smaller part of area of the mountains of Kumogakure. I heard Gaara move and I stiffened and look behind me ‘Gaara would never allow me to find the Akatsuki’ I thought ‘So I will have to do this without his permission’ I folded up the map and put it behind the desk with a bit of tape. I walked over to Gaara and went to lay on him once more, and I stayed awake, mulling over what to do, as I waited for a time when I could wake Gaara up so I could make breakfast.

Hours later

“Please train with me” Kankuro said “I promise you can beat me up”

“No” I said stubbornly. “I will not fight you”


“Because, you have chakra and have a way to get away, I do not, I will just become the happy little housemaid” I said through gritted teeth

“I do not want you as a housemaid” Gaara said

“What else can I do? I could get severely hurt because of not having chakra to dodge an attack, all I have is what I had in the other world, and here it just doesn’t seem like it is enough” I said as I once again grabbed the duster just to have Gaara use his sand to knock it out of my hand again. “Stop it Gaara”

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