chap 7

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Chapter 7

I woke up in pain sometime later, gasping and sputtering for air. I felt very weak compared to how I usually did. I heard distant sounds of fighting and slowly opened my eyes and waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I attempted to get up but moaned in pain by just lifting my arm. I forced myself up to a sitting position before looking around. A statue of two hands, fingers up, were before me.

I felt empty, and was instantly reminded that Angin was not with me.

I felt like crying

After a few minutes I forced myself into a standing position and once I got my balance I attempted to walk, falling a few times in the process, to the sound of the battle going on.

Once I got to the cave walls, walking became easier, and I was out of the cave in no time. At the entrance I saw a sight to my sore eyes, quite literally actually, the light blinded me for a while, and my eyes were still sore after adjusting to the light.

Gaara was fighting a guy with slicked back blonde hair, and Temari and Kankuro were fighting a guy who had his face covered.

I figured the best thing I could do included the element of surprise, and the one who needed the most help was Gaara, so I did the first thing that came to my mind..

I jumped on his back and began pulling his hair.

"Stupid freaking idiot" I said through gritted teeth as Gaara stopped in his tracks and Kankuro and Temari's fight stopped all together. They were all staring at me, except for the guy who I was currently on, tormenting him by pulling his hair that once was gelled back perfectly.

" get off of me"

"Not in your life, you idiot, who do you think you are, attacking my boyfriend who also happens to be the Kazekage? You an idiot or something? Or do you just prefer brain-dead?"

"You , when I get my hands on you.."

"You'll do what? Use your mighty gel of death? Ooooo I'm so scared" I said sarcastically while pulling his hair with one hand and choking him with the other. He tried going to the direction of what looked like a scythe, but Gaara had a wall sent up to keep him from going to his weapon.

"Nice try" Gaara said

"Idiot, did you really think he wasn't going to try anything?"

"How are you still alive?" The guy's partner asked, still in shock

"What, did you honestly think I could DIE?" I said, lying through my teeth. I knew it was because Angin and I had been separated a couple times before, and that was the only plausible thing I could think of that would make sense. I also knew that if I died now I had NO chance of coming back to life so I had to be careful.

The guy who I was on began flapping his hands for air and soon fell. I got off of him and brushed myself off, before turning to the guy's partner. I cracked my fingers and my neck

"Your turn" I said, smirking evilly while getting into a good fighting position. He did a few hand seals, and I instantly recognized what he was doing and almost sighed in relief when he "poofed" away. I fell on my butt and calmly took breaths in and out, trying to calm myself down. "Ha! And here I thought my bluff wasn't going to work" I mumbled to myself once I knew he was gone

"Kaze?" Gaara asked

"Yeah" I said looking up at Gaara

"How ARE you still alive?" He asked as I fell down to rest on my back and used a hand to block the sun that was beating down on my exhausted form

"Angin and I were separated before. I guess my body was used to surviving without him when we were apart and that's why I am still alive.. other than that I have no idea" I said, still taking deep, slow, breaths.

"About you not being able to die?" Kankuro asked

"A lie I came up with on the spot" I said "It worked though, the guy left"

"You okay?" Gaara asked, kneeling down next to me

"Other than being deathly exhausted I'm fine" I said. I felt him picking me up carefully. "Thanks" I said before yawning and cuddling up into Gaara's arms

"Let's go home" Gaara said, and together the four of us flew off to Sunagakure.

I Never Thought I'd Lie About Having AmnesiaWhere stories live. Discover now