chap 8

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Chapter 8

As I suspected Gaara did not allow me out of his sight once we got to Suna, which was fine by me.

I walked into his house and up the stairs because I was exhausted, once entering his room I seen he made a few changes, he had brought in a desk so he could work from home and brought in all the things I had left in his office. His arms snaked around my waist as I stared at the changes as he huskily whispered in my ear

"I couldn't stand not having you around me so I decided to move everything in here, where I can still smell your sweet scent" I smiled like a little schoolgirl before yawning. He gently pushed me towards the bed "Go sleep" He said as he headed towards his desk. I obeyed, (I mean have you SEEN HIM? Who WOULDN'T obey him?) and got into his bed and even though he said he could still smell me, the only thing that I could smell was him, his cinnamon-y, musky scent that could only be Gaara.

My eyes fluttered open to see Gaara sitting down and watching me sleep.

"I missed you" He said and I smiled, realizing that he didn't see me for three years and just being able to see me sleep was a miracle when he probably thought he would never see me again.

"What happened with the war?" I asked

"After the four of you showed up Mizu and Yukio fled, taking their army with them. Apparently they did not expect the four of you to show up, neither did I in fact" He said

"When did you start speaking all elegantly and all high classy-ish?"


"Never mind" I said as I rolled over and stared at the ceiling "Everything is so different"

"What did you expect, three years have passed since you were last here" Gaara said oh-so-regally

"I don't know," I said as I glanced back at the red haired hottie. I smirked slightly as an idea popped up in my head "Gaara, I'm bored" I said. He blinked a few times before catching my drift and smirking slightly himself before he got up and walked over to the bed and pounced on me. He began kissing my neck as his hands threw the sheet that was in between us away from him. His hands roamed my body as mine combed through his blood red locks. Soon his kisses began going lower until he came to my collar bone and began nibbling and sucking that. His hands found my shirt and began going underneath it, soon reaching my bra..

His lips moved upward until he finally reached my mouth in which I hungrily opened him and our tongues began wrestling each other in the most erotic of ways. His hands began to reach under my bra..

"Gaara, dinner is rea-" Temari said as she barged into our room. She stopped short at the sight before her. Her mouth had forgotten how to function properly as her jaw became slack and her words became indecipherable as she looked upon the form of her youngest brother, who happens to be the Kazekage, who just happened to have his hands up the shirt of a girl who suddenly appeared from nowhere.. again.

"Temari, what's taking so lo-" Kankuro said until he to saw the sight that Temari had just seen, which, unlike his sister, not only surprised him, but made him proud "Man, Gaara, I never knew you had it in you, good job!"

I sighed at Kankuro's reply and nudged the current Kazekage off me and pulled down my shirt before getting up off the bed and heading out the door, Gaara following soon after me.

"You need to put locks on your door" I whispered to him as I sat down at the table and Gaara, of course, took a seat next to me.

"That I do" He answered. "That I do"

A little ways into dinner, which I must say wasn't bad for Temari, Gaara asked something I wasn't really ready to answer

"When do you think you'll disappear again" He asked, sounding like he had to say it, but was afraid to hear the answer. He didn't expect me to do what I did though.

I began to cry. It was slow at first but then I began to sob as I put my hands to my face to hide my tears, and to muffle the sounds of my pitiful sobs. Gaara was taken back from this reaction and scooped me up into his arms before giving his siblings a look that clearly said "get the hell out of here" He began to whisper sweet things to me to calm me down and to try and figure out what was wrong. But Gaara isn't much of a patient person, he can be, but when he wants something, his patience goes out the window, and he wanted to know why I was crying.

His solution was to grab my hands, which were still covering my face, and force them away so he could see me clearly. Once he did that he asked

"Why are you crying?"

"I will never disappear again" I said, doing the weird hyperventilating sound when one tries to force themselves to stop crying.

Gaara was confused "You are crying because you'll never disappear again, so you… don't want to be with me?" Gaara said, confusion turning into anger

"NO! I'm crying because the only reason I won't disappear is because Angin is gone, and when you asked me when I was going to disappear I remembered Angin, and that is why I was crying. I have mixed feelings Gaara, I want to stay with you and never have to worry about leaving you again, which I can do now, but at the same time I want Angin back!" I said "I'm just so confused, I don't know what to think, or what to feel, I just-" Gaara hugged me tightly, which shut me up as I wiggled closer to him and continued crying. He gently began to stroke my back before coming to my hair and taking out the tie and combing his fingers through my tresses of black hair, his gentleness eventually calmed me down, and he used his sand to take us up to his room and once there he ended up laying on the bed, and getting me as close to him as possible.

"I'm sorry"

"'S okay" I said, snuggling up to him further, and finding a comfortable spot for my head on his chest. I relaxed completely as I felt his chest go up and down with every breath, and felling the thumps of his heartbeat. "Don't leave me" I whispered

"I won't" He said as he protectively put his arms around me. We fell asleep soon after.

I awoke first and found it nearly impossible to get out of his grip. I ended up giving up to the redhead and resolved to resting on his very comfortable chest instead. After waiting for thirty minutes for the Kazekage to wake up I got bored and thought of an excellent way to wake him up without getting him pissed off. I wiggled my way up until I was just above his head and slowly brought my lips down to his in a sweet yet equally passionate kiss, I knew he had woken up when he began to take control, and I knew he was fully awake when he rolled over so he could be on top. We broke apart after a minute and he gazed down at me lovingly with his aquamarine eyes.

"I haven't slept since you left" He stated as he looked down at me. I was shocked to hear this "but if I end up being woken up like I was just now, sleeping may very well become my favorite hobby" He said, making me laugh as I brought his head down once more for another kiss.



"I'm glad I met you" I said before getting up and heading downstairs to make breakfast, Gaara at my heels.

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