chap 5

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Chapter 5

I bit my thumb until it bled and did some seals, and ones that were a little…odd, I ended up making a diamond type shape and slowly pulling it away from my body before jumping towards a wall and slamming both hands on the wall. I knew this summoning would hurt, I was just not ready for pain of this level, it felt as if my body was splitting apart, and in a way it was. What would you expect when the thing you are summoning happens to be the thing that resides in you? I shut my eyes in the pain and kept from screaming.

However, when the pain subsided a bit and I heard other people scream… well I opened my eyes to see to see if my summoning had come out correctly.

"You know Angin, I remember you being a LOT bigger"

"You were four Kaze"


"Shut up"


"Do you want me to help you or not?" I grinned at Angin before jumping on his head and we came crashing down onto the ground below (I was still suspended in air guys) and Yurasu had to dodge unless he wanted to get squished.

No Ones POV

Kaze whispered something in the larger Kitsune's ear and the two of them stopped. Kaze yelled

"Henge (transform)" and the audience looked on amazed as a bright light flooded the stadium and when the light dispersed the humongous silver-tailed fox with four tails was no more; however there was a figure of a man. This man had silver hair and silver attire, and Kaze stood happily next to this man. Yurasu looked absolutely terrified.

"Shall we Angin" Kaze asked. The man, Angin, smirked

"Let's" The two charged at high speed. Angin flexed his fingers and condensed air formed in his hand, he shoved it into the ground and watched happily as Yurasu flew into the air as the concentrated air blew up underneath him and caused him to fly in the air from the pressure. Kaze went on him quickly. Using Capoeira as her main style of fighting, she kicked him and swung her body enough so she could kick him again underneath her chin, causing Yurasu to fly in the air yet again. Angin took this as his chance and jumped into the air and began to lay many punches and kicks to Yurasu. Kaze stood up and waited for the seriously bruised Yurasu to retaliate, but then thought better, she created a web of chakra strings and made sure there was no way that her opponent could touch the ground, or anything solid. Angin noticed this at once and nodded his head in approval at this marvelous idea on how to weaken her opponent. Kaze jumped and grabbed one of the chakra strings and heaved herself up and waited for another chance to strike.

Just when it looked like it was the end for Yurasu, another Kaze appeared at of no where and tapped Yurasu on the shoulder. Once he turned around fully she gave him a few quick taps to his meridian and watched satisfied when he fell unconscious in the web of chakra. A poof sounded and the Kaze standing next to Angin, the one who did not use the Dim Mak skills, was gone, and with the clone gone, so was the chakra net. Angin quickly grabbed Kaze's arm, since she no longer had any control of the air since he was outside of her, and heard a satisfying thump of their opponent. Angin and Kaze floated down touched the ground gently and the audience began to cheer wildly.

"Going back inside will hurt more than going out." Angin whispered in Kaze's ear as they waved and smiled to the audience around them.

"I've dealt with it before, I can deal with it again" Kaze said before forming a seal where her fingers created an x (think Ino when she says 'Negate') and said "Negate" quietly and watched as Angin dispersed and turned into air, and watched as said air swirled around her feet, the pressure seemed to intensify as a pain in her chest started to form. She screamed at the top of her lungs when the pain intensified ten-fold as a bright light formed around her.

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