Chapter 17

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Arabella woke up in a different surrounding to what she was used to. Light shined through the silky black curtains onto the 4 poster bed that she lay in. The blankets were made of velvet and lets just say Arabella felt at home. A short knock brought her to her senses and she remembered everything from the previous day, finding out her true self, having the best christmas ever, and meeting her real family. Arabella couldn't help the soft smile that graced her lips. Another knock was heard followed by a soft voice. "Arabella sweetheart are you awake may i come in?" "Oh yea I'm awake you can come in" Arabella replied. The large oak doors opened revealing her mother in all her glory. She was already dressed in head to toe in the finest of clothing. "Come on get dressed breakfast is served in 15 and then were going to Diagon alley to get a gorgeous dress for my gorgeous daughter" Narcissa said as she left the room. A new dress was all that came to Bella's mind. Quickly removing the bed cover and carefully making the bed she waltzed towards the shower after drying her long blonde hair she walked over to her walk in wardrobe where she was spoiled on choice on what to wear.

Approaching the dining room Bella was met with the sound of laughter coming from the table. Entering the room she found her family laughing over something Draco had appeared to say. The laughter stopped as they saw their daughter cautiously peering into the room. "Don't be nervous princess we don't bite" Lucius chuckled the last bit. "Bella you sit next to me. You don't mind me calling you that do you?" Draco asked since he felt that he needed to give his twin a nickname because her father calls her Princess and her mother calls her Sweetheart so where was his name for her. "That's fine with me, wait isn't our aunt called Bella?" Bella inquired as she took her seat next to her twin gracefully, slowly leaning forward she picked up her knife and fork and began eating. "Yes that's right her full name is Bellatrix and she is my sister sweetheart you got on extremely well with your aunt before you were taken. I'm sure she'll be glad to meet you again when she breaks out of jail." Narcissa said from across the table as she finished eating and wiping her mouth with her cotton napkin. "Now onto a much more exciting topic. Since you have returned home it is extremely important that we introduce you to the wizarding world in a grand ball to be held on new years eve. You will be the guest of honour and will dance the first dance, so today we are going to Diagon alley to get you a beautiful new ball gown to wear on the night. Draco we need to get you a dashing new suit and Lucius wants you to get a cane like his. So finish eating and be ready to leave in 10 okay" Naricssa said before the empty plates vanished from the table and Lucius went to help his wife from the table before leaving the dining room hand in hand. "A ball in my honour" Bella mumbled amazed by the experience that she has had and she had only been there 24 hours. "When your done daydreaming we can go shopping" called Draco from the door. Bella broke out of the daydream and walked to the door with Draco before fetching her robe and shoes and regathering at the front door. "Hold on sweetheart" said her mother before Bella was whisked to Diagon Alley....

Diagon Alley hadn't changed much since August apart from the fact that glistening snow glittered in the sun light left over after the previous days blizzard. Christmas decorations still hung from the shop windows and Christmas sales were still ongoing. After regaining their prestigious posture the Malfoys began to walk through the busy crowds in the Alley towards the more pedigree part of town. Witches and Wizards stopped and gawped at the passing Malfoys and were blown away with the newest addition to the normal Malfoy family. Rumours spread like wildfire containing thoughts that she was Draco's betrothed or a cousin of Draco, but what nobody thought about was the chance that this new mysterious lady was Draco's sister. Halfway through the street the Malfoy's separated without a second glance as the men went left and the ladies went right. Once out of sight Narcissa grabbed Bella's hand as they continued walking towards the end shop. A dress robe shop.

Upon entering the quaint boutique a tall skinny witch appeared from behind the counter with a floating tape measure beside her. She wore a long ruby dress which glittered in the shop light. Her hair was as black as the dark nights and her features was as pale as snow. She had a friendly and welcoming smile that quickly went to curiosity as she spotted the young girl beside Narcissa. "And who is this beauty!" The lady said. "Celia this is my lost daughter Arabella Narcissa Malfoy, but for press issues i would advise that you don't tell anyone." Narcissa spoke calmly and with authority. "My daughter requires a new ballgown for her coming out ball on new years eve" "Right then gorgeous right this way." With that Arabella was swished away onto the podium at the back of the shop whilst Celia went to grab as much fabric as she could. Narcissa perched herself upon the shinning cream sofa with a glass of champagne in her hand whilst giving her opinion on various dresses that her daughter modelled. Out in public the Malfoy's were seen as emotionless rich members of society but Narcissa couldn't help but smile at her lost daughter as she was getting dresses for her first ball, the world was finally perfect and her daughter was in it. "What about this one mother?" Bella called from the podium. Looking up Narcissa was met with the most beautiful witch she had ever laid eyes on. Upon the podium Arabella stood in a stunning emerald dress, its long sleeves were made of pure lace and the top corset had diamonds along the sweetheart neckline. The skirt fanned out into a pure princess dress with diamonds studded throughout and a border of lace at the bottom. "You look beautiful that is the one. Celia we will take this one and the shoes!" Narcissa exclaimed looking at the black heels with a snake slithering up the heel.

After paying the ladies met up with the men in a local restaurant in the outskirts of Diagon Alley where they had a small drink and talked about their day's activities. Turns out Draco had a brand new suit too with a cane nearly identical to his father. Of course no laughter was heard from the prestigious family but if looked at them at the perfect time you would find the outline of a warm smile, even though most mistook it for the famous Malfoy smirk. At 5,00 the family returned to the manor where they were seated and greeted with a glorious boxing day dinner and desert... Only a few days until the ball of a lifetime!!

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