Chapter 1

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This story is dedicated to jk rowling for giving me the best childhood anyone could ask for. Thank you malfoyphan for the inspiration and cover image!


The sun peeked through the drawn curtains casting a bright light on the pale blonde girl sound asleep. Her room was cluttered with many books like macbeth and TABINOF. On her wooden desk sat a large vintage vanity mirror surrounded by a collection if the newest makeup products. In the right hand corner stood a large closed wardrobe, inside hanger beyond hanger held some bright and elegant top, cardigan or dress, the type that you would feel overdressed in. Overall this girl was a very sophisticated and impressive person with a good upbringing and top band grades.

"Cettyana Lucissa Kingsley if you don't get up in the next 5 minutes then I can't guarantee they'll be any croissants left!" Well most of the time. Underneath the cave of emerald green covers the pale blonde girl slowly arrouse shaking her curly blonde hair through her long manicured fingers. " Coming mum" said Cettyana as she stood out of bed into her plush soft slippers and gently made her bed, grabbing her purple satin dressing gown she began to descend the stairs.

" Good morning mother, father" said Cettyana as she sat down to begin tucking into her croissants, " Morning Cetty I presume you slept well" her mother replied with a slight chuckle. " yes thank you" spoke Cetty as she finished her breakfast, taking her plate into the kitchen and into the dishwasher. Walking back upstairs she entered her room and selected a knee length white flowing dress, before pinning her hair back into a messy bun and cleaning her teeth. Climbing down the stairs she plopped herself on the sofa to continue reading her favourite book Divergent.

Around half an hour later there was a loud, sharp, precise knock on the door pulling Cettyana out of her imagination. "Cetty sweetheart can you get the door" shouted her father from his office. Begrudgingly Catty trudged towards the front door, turning the handle she slowly opened the door...

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