Chapter 7

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3rd Person POV

It turned out that Granger had tried to worn Cetty but was too late. No later had she spoken Cetty was flung across the room by the trolls club. With a sickening crack Cetty's back collided with the brick wall and she fell to the floor unconscious. Shocked by Cetty's downfall Harry quickly distracted the troll by stocking his wand up the trolls nose whilst Ron actually moved and used his wand levitating the club out of the trolls hand. Suddenly the teachers paraded into the girls bathroom and were shocked to see a troll, 3 alive first years, and a half alive first year. "Oh! Oh, my goodness! E-Explain yourselves, both of you!" Exclaimed Mcgonnagal. In pure shock Ron and Harry started talking gibberish whilst Hermione jumped in and took all the blame. She even said that Cetty had nothing to do with it she only needed the toilet. But Hermione being Hermione also told the teachers about how Cetty used spells that the hadn't even been taught years. Well that petrified the teachers alright. Once Mcgonnagal noticed Cettyana she quickly sent her cat patronus to madame pomfrey and levitated Cetty onto a stretcher taking her to the hospital wing...
Bright lights surrounded Cetty as she slowly opened her eyes to take in her surroundings. She appeared to be in a hospital wing on a white bed with the horribly itchy hospital pyjamas. In front of her on her table sat a list of 'get well soon' cards and a variation of magical sweets. After a few blinks her eyes finally managed to focus on a gang of Slytherins: Sapphire, Larissa, Draco, Pansy, and of course Crabbe and Goyle. "Cetty thank goodness your okay i came here as soon as dad told me" shouted Sapphire. "Yeah and she dragged me here too!" Said Draco with his signature smirk. Overwhelmed with people she asked the obvious."how long have i been here?" "Around 4 days you kept on drifting in and out of consciousness but seemed unaware of your surroundings, you know you sleep talk!" Exclaimed Saph. Cetty shock her head. "Yeah when we came to visit you were always asleep. Your mind is weird I'll tell you that. You kept going on about someone called Lucius and Bellatrix. But there Draco's father and aunt who we all know is in Azkaban. Sorry Dra" Sapphire whispered the last part aware of her boyfriends sensitivity towards the subject about his aunt. "You guys go on ahead i want to speak to Cettyana privately" and with that everyone was chucked out apart from Cetty and of course Draco. "Why were you having dreams about my family" "I don't know they've been going on for months now but i dont no if they were your family I recognised your mum from the day at Diagon alley so i guess i just assumed the others were your family im sorry i can't control it" said Cetty. "Its fine just tell me so i can see if they're real or not real! Get well soon bye" called Draco as he quietly left the hospital wing leaving Cetty in the company of her thoughts. Again ...

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