Chapter 5

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A/N sorry for the wait if you enjoy the story please like and comment :-)

Cettyana's POV

Im a Slytherin but that's where all the bad people go I'm not bad, am i. I stood up of the stool and walked over to the cheering table full of Slytherins and sat down near Draco and co. Suddenly a glorious feast appeared on the table it had at least a dozen if every type of food under the sun. You name it they have it!

During the feast a girl named Pansy started to talk to me about lessons and guess what boys. To be honest i tried to pay attention to what ever she was going on about but my mind kept going back to what the hat said. I had a twin. My family were in Slytherin. It just didn't make sense just like the old Ollivander my parents are muggles right. "Hello any one in there" what! I came out of my thoughts to be faced with a first year girl. She looked around average height and was quite skinny and had long straight black hair. Her bright sapphire eyes stood out against her pale skin. "Erm hi sorry been lost in my thoughts my names Cettyana but everyone just calls me Cetty, and you are?" "Sapphire Lamplighter half-blood mums a muggle born and my dads a half-blood" she said with her hand outstretched. Gently shaking her hand i asked the one question on my mind: "what on earth is it with Slytherins and blood status like no offence but thats all that anyone has said to me since i arrived here" I'm not insane right thats all they've gone on about since i sat down. "I don't no my dad was a Slytherin too but he wasn't to bothered by it either" the conversation between us carried on and we were in the right track to being friends. She seemed really fun and kind she had even read all her books as well and loved potions!

After the feast the first year Slytherins followed the prefects to our dormitories which just happened to be in the dungeons just great nearly as great as the password "pureblood" they are obsessed but Malfoy seemed to approve obviously. Entering the common room my mind was blown away. It was beautiful. A green glow surrounded the room and the calming sounds of the black lake lapped against the glass windows. A large black fireplace was in the centre of the room and a roaring green fire was warming the room inside it. Two large black sophisticated sofas surrounded the fireplace with a dark wooden coffee table in the centre. To the back of the room was a couple of table and chairs ready for homework to cover it. It was a truly beautiful sight and very comforting. I quickly followed the rest of the first years and Sapphire down stairs to get a closer feel of the place."right first years boys dorms are to your left and down the corridor to the first years area and girls dorms are on your right and follow the corridor till you get to the first years area." Some random prefect said.

It turns out that me and Sapphire were sharing a dorm with another girl called Larissa apparently.  We entered our dorms to find 3 gorgeous canopy beds draped in black silk with green bed covers just like my one at home. The wood was dark just like the common room we even had our own bathroom fitted out with black and white tiles and a posh vintage footed bath. Me and Saph unpacked our uniform into our designated wardrobes and released our pets to stretch their legs Raya looked a bit sleepy after our long day but got along fine with Sapphire's cat midnight who was black as the night itself. We met Larissa but she wouldn't shut up she was a pure-blood but i think her family was crazy she had a owl too named Trinity black with white at the tips of her wings and big brown eyes. We chatted for about an hour until our eyes couldn't stay open any longer. We all fell asleep to the sound of waves lapping against the windows.

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