Wolf Savior B part 1

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This starts where the part A left off. It was getting too long and i had severe writers block so i broke it into two parts. It might take me awhile to get me back into the style of Wolf Savior, but I'm working on it again. I can't promise regular updates. But i will try.


Nick's p.o.v.

By the time we got home the pack had the entire house spotless, which meant they had trashed and had to clean up. I arched a brow at Isaac who looked a little guilty. “Hey, boss.” He grinned and ran his fingers through his white-blond hair before looking sheepishly at the ground.

“You trashed the house didn't you?” I asked.

“But it's clean now!” Ravyn pointed out. “Adrian might have come over and thrown a party.” She made a face and I groaned softly.

“Somehow, I can actually believe that.” Roze shrugged. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and kissed her. Tasha looked obviously pregnant, Ayden stood at her side making an odd face. I scanned the area and caught the scent of the witch.

“Azalea's here.” I warned with a soft groan.

“Damn, I was hoping you wouldn't smell me.” She muttered as she slid out of the trees. She hugged Roze tightly and I had to release her into the tiny brunette's embrace. She dragged Roze up the stairs and gave me a fierce glare moved to stop them. “This is girl talk, just the four of us. You boys can stay down here.” I sighed and plopped down on the couch. Home sweet home...I was going to have to get used to that thought. I needed a real job unless I wanted to claim being independently wealthy, which was quite true. I glanced around to make sure Rozelynn wasn't standing at the top of the stairs and propped my booted feet on the coffee-table with a soft thump.

“Nickolai Spencer! I know you didn't just put your feet on my table.” Roze growled. I cringed and jerked my feet back.

“Why would you think that Angel?” I called. And grinned at Isaac and Ayden.

“Because you're the only one who would push you luck.” She pointed out.

“It's so creepy that she can do that.” Isaac shivered. I just chuckled and went to grab a soda out of the fridge. “I'm going to have trouble getting used to it.” He admitted softly. “Nick, it's so weird, it's like we're a family. No one pushes me around here, it's nothing like before.” I reached over and squeezed his shoulder lightly.

“This what a pack is supposed to be like.” I answered and then whipped around as I caught Roze's scent. “Baby.” I could feel the foolish grin spreading across my face. “You needed something?” I asked.

“Actually yes. Can you run get the drill out of the tool shed?” She grinned.

“Oh no, women with power tools. Nick, let's get out of the house.” Isaac groaned.

“Actually, Nick with power tools, he's taller than the 4 of us so he can reach easier.” She shrugged. “That is if you don't mind.”

“Of course not.” I grinned. “Tell me what, and I'll drill it.” He grinned mischievously. She slapped my arm and gave me a horrified look.

“You pervert.” She scowled at me and I couldn't help but laugh as Isaac made himself scarce.

“But you like it, besides if I say something colorful Isaac usually tucks tail and runs.” I shrugged and leaned in to kiss her softly.

Rozelynn's p.o.v.

I watched stared at the denim cupping my husbands butt as he screwed the brackets for the curtain rods above the windows. A small smile played on my lips as his eyes narrowed in concentration. Tasha was folding baby clothes so that we could place them in the glossy white dresser. “You know, you could help Roze.” Azalea grumbled. I rolled my eyes at her but helped them attempt to figure out the mobile. It was simple but I watched them stare at it in annoyance.

“Guys really, it's not that hard. Read the directions if you can't figure it out. I thought men were the only ones with issues reading the directions!” I groaned.

“Hey now! That was uncalled for.” Nick grumbled. Ayden stepped through the door and brushed a kiss over Tasha's lips before going to Nicks side.

“Hey Ayden, move around to the side. Your blocking my view.” I grumbled. He frowned at me until the girls started giggling and Nick jumped.

“Son of a....mother...” Shook his hand and stepped down of the stool. His hand was bleeding, I rolled to my feet and leaned in to inspect the wound.

“Come on, we need to rinse this. There's no telling what got in it.” I sighed and tugged down the hall and towards our room.

“There was a bathroom closer...” He looked at me with a half smirk on his face. “Never mind.” He chuckled as I made him wash his hand. The wound was already closing up when he got back to my side. He leaned against the dresser and laughed softly as I pulled him down for a kiss.

“I was thinking, there's a section of land really close to forest, it's literally right on the edge of the trees. I thought about going down to the bank and seeing how much it'll cost. It's 3 acres, plus 2 more of the forest. I figured if I bought it we could have a house built on the land and move the pack closer to the forest. But it'll be about a year or so before we could move. I wanted to talk to you before I talked to the pack. I figured you would give me an honest opinion.” I admitted softly.

“You know, I only have...” He kissed me. “One problem with that.” He sighed. “If it's going to be for the pack, then you aren't buying it alone. I have money sitting in a bank account just gathering interest. It's our pack, we do this together.” He answered. He pulled me forward so I was standing between his knees. His hand cupped my chin and he kissed me softly. I slid my arms around his neck slowly as his tongue swept into my mouth. He pulled back with a soft sigh and grinned. “We should go, if we want those curtains hung. I don't trust Isaac or Ayden with power tools.”

“I'd be more worried about Azalea and Ravyn getting a hold of them.” I teased and stepped back. Nick's cell chirped and he growled at it.

“It's Adrian.” He groaned as he fished it out of his pocket and answered as we went back to the nursery. “I just got back, why can't you train the new guys. What the hell were you doing hunting alone?” He swore a few times and raked his hand through his thick dark hair. “I'll be there in an hour.” He sighed and hung up. “Baby, do you want to drive me into work so that I can leave my car with Ayden?” He asked softly.

“What happened to Adrian?” I asked.

“He went out hunting and got the shit beat out of him. He was stabbed a couple of times, but nothing real bad.” I shook my head.

“That's ridicules! Adrian of all people should know better than to go hunting alone.” I growled. “Yeah, I'll drive you in, but you owe me coffee for it.” I teased.

“Come on, jump in the shower with me. I'll behave, I promise.” He grinned.


This is for all the people who wanted me to hurry up and get the next part out. And i thank you for putting up with me while i worked on other stuff.


Wolf Savior part BWhere stories live. Discover now