part 11

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First, because i forgot to state this before. Alex is not gone forever. He's just going to find his balance between wolf and man....or something like that. maybe he's going to become a Zen master. i really just start writing and have to go back and read it so I know whats going on. Hope you like it.


Isaac's p.o.v.

A soft his woke me and before I could make a sound a dainty hand clamped over my mouth. “Shh, be quiet, it's just me. Isaac, I want you to come with me. I need to shift but I don't want to go run alone.” Ravyn admitted. The wolf in stretched and paced the walls of my mind. I hissed at her to turn around and pulled on a pair of jeans not even bother to pull on underwear. I tugged a shirt over my head. I pulled on my high-tops and laced them and motioned for Ravyn to be quiet.

“You any good at climbing trees?” I asked and pulled the vent out. It was about 2 feet tall and a 1½ feet wide. I slipped out and landed softly on the roof. I reached back through and grabbed her hand and helped so she didn't make a lot of noise.

“How often do you sneak out?” Ravyn asked arching a brow at me. I just grinned and padded down the ridge of the roof. She followed more slowly not quiet as sure of herself. I caught the branch that hung over the edge of the roof and stepped on to the one just below the edge. I caught her arm and pulled her onto the branch with myself and moved back towards the core of the tree. I grinned and jumped to the ground and waited for her to follow.

She landed lightly on the balls of her feet and I grabbed her hand and we raced through the darkened streets towards the edge of the forest. She laughed and we pulled to a stop at the edge of the trees. “Thank you, Isaac.” She grinned as I lead her deeper into the woods and found a nice clump of ferns. I stripped down and hid my clothes before the change rippled up my spine. I shot off through the trees like a bullet not bothering to wait for Ravyn.

She would find me if she needed me. For now, I just wanted to run. I turned to see her hot on my heels. She pounced forward bit my ear and shot off like a rocket knowing I would chase her. We raced back and forth for hours and then I trotted off in the direction of the nearest stream with Ravyn at my flank. She yipped and then lapped at the water. We should go home, don't want the alphas to freak. She pointed out looking off through the trees.

I frowned as I realized the sky was starting to lighten. I cast a sharp glance at her and we raced for our clothes. I yanked on everything and laced my shoes quickly only to look up and realize Ravyn was waiting on me. We ran home at a normal human pace, and I skidded to a halt when the I caught sight of Nickolai leaning against one of the porch columns with his arms crossed over his chest.

“We went for a run.” Ravyn admitted looking guilty. “I...”

“I asked her to come with me.” I cut her off. “I should have left a note, I know, but it had been so long since I had shifted.” I rushed out. Nick snorted.

“You act like you did something wrong. I wasn't really concerned with the two of you, both of you can take care of yourselves. Albeit, it would have been nice to know you were going. Adrian called 15 minutes ago, he's meeting me here. Please don't wake Roze. She just got back to sleep.” He warned. “And keep an eye out on both her and Tasha.” I nodded quickly and breathed a sigh of relief. Nick was one of the few people I didn't want to make mad. He still kind of scared me.

I kicked my shoes off so I could pad silently up to the attic and crawl in bed for a quick nap. Ravyn flashed a small smile of thanks before she closed her bedroom door behind her. I dropped onto the bed not even bothering to get undressed.

Nick's p.o.v.

I paced the front porch yet again and came to a stop when Adrian pulled up. He was out of the car and starting up the steps in less than a minute. “Nick, I was contacted early this morning about a group of killings spreading through less populated areas. My contact seems to think it's a vamp on the move. Don't worry yet, the last one was near the four corners. But from the pattern, it looks like it's moving this way.” He paused glancing at the house behind me. “I needed to warn you, knowing that Tasha is pregnant and will be having the baby in September.”

I nodded and sat down weakly on the front porch steps. “Roze is pregnant too. We found out yesterday. We think conception occurred during the first couple of days of our honeymoon.” I scrubbed my hand across my face. “If it's gets near the border tell me. I'll call Alex back and have Mel and them help. Maybe Jason will too, I don't know. The Wolf Council wants something from me, I haven't called them back yet so I don't know.” I motioned for him to sit.

“Roze is pregnant? And the Werewolf Council is calling you? Nick, man, the last thing you need is to be worrying about whatever this new problem is.” Adrian groaned.

“I know. But everyone else should know that Rozelynn will always come first. Especially her safety, I nearly lost her to Cole. I won't risk it again, even if I have to massacre everyone who stands between me and keeping her safe.” I warned.

“My friend will keep me updated on the what's going on with the 'ugly beasty' and I'll keep you updated. Good luck, you're going to need it. I've got to go and open the coffee shop.” He sighed and stood slowly. “Tell Roze I said I'll fix her decaf coffee anytime she wants some, considering all that caffeine isn't supposed to be good for the baby.”

“Yeah, you can tell her that yourself. I like my balls attached.” I grumbled and he threw his head back and laughed before driving off. I turned and wen back into the house to my pregnant wife.


Thanks for reading. please vote and or comment.

i wish this story was already over because i have other characters who deserve the spotlight just as much as these wolves. then again i really don't want it to end either.


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