Wolf Savior B part 4

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Sorry it's taking me so long. I've been trying to move and had a lot of things going on. i have severe writers block on this. i know where it's going, but I'm having trouble getting there and I'm working on other stuff that's already completed in the hopes of getting it published.


Roze's p.o.v.

Nick was asleep beside me, I shifted and curled into his side. He mumbled something in his sleep and sighed softly causing me to smile. We had holed Alex up in the attic with Isaac because they seemed to be getting along. He wore a pair of boxers and nothing else. I ran my nails down his chest and he twitched. I gently tugged his boxers down his legs and tossed them over the edge of the bed. I raked my fingers gently over him and his eyes shot open darkening to gold.

“Hey.” His voice was husky as he looked at me. “How long have you been awake?” He asked.

“I haven't gone to sleep yet.” I admitted with a small smile. “I was wide awake.” I admitted. He kissed me softly on the lips and nuzzled my neck. He sniffed and pulled back slightly cocking his head to the side.

“You smell amazing.” He groaned and nipped my shoulder playfully. I caught his hair in my fist and tugged his mouth to mine kissing him. He chuckled and rolled onto his back tugging me on top of him. “God, I love you.” He murmured as he peeled my clothing off. We made love late into the night until we both collapsed on the bed in exhaustion. “You can wake me up for that any time.” He teased as he pulled the sheets over us. We curled around both of us to sleep.

I woke up to swearing from outside the bedroom door. I grabbed my robe off the back of my bathroom door and threw the door open. “Ayden! What the hell is going on?” I hissed. Tasha froze and looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

“I'm sorry, we were just having issues. We didn't mean to wake you, the babies kicking really bad.” She sighed.

“Okay, well it's 5:30 in the morning, please keep it down. I feel like crap.” I groaned and went back to bed. We had been home for 3 weeks, married for 4. It was odd still to think about being married. Nick watched me carefully and I flashed him a wane smile before dropping the robe and crawling back into bed. Nick kissed my forehead and pulled back with a frown.

“Your warm. Are you okay? Babe should I call Melissa?” He asked sitting up. I shook my head and pulled the blankets up to my chin. Just as I was drifting off my stomach lurched and I was on my feet racing for the bathroom. I was violently sick in the toilet and Nick handed me water to rinse my mouth out.

“I'm fine, I think it might have been something I ate.” I admitted as I allowed him to help me back to the bed. He smiled warmly and settled me onto the bed pulling the covers up over me.

“Get some sleep baby, I'll keep the pack corralled.” He promised and slipped out of the room closing the door softly behind him.

I woke up several hours later with the sun slanting in through the windows. I felt much better now, and I could here Nick and the pack down in the living-room. I dressed and stalked down the and perched on the arm of the couch as Isaac, Nick, and Alex played X-Box. “Hey Angel, are you feeling better?” Nick called and I muttered the affirmative. I showered, dressed, and brushed my teeth.

“Nick, I was going to go shopping, maybe see if Ravyn wanted to come with me.” I called as I slipped my ballet flats on. Ravyn grinned at me and nodded. I kissed Nick quickly and we darted out the door and were on the way to the car. “Coffee first and then shopping.” I admitted and dropped by Adrian's shop to pick up my fix.

“How's it going kid? How's Nick and Alex?” He asked as he worked on my drink.

“We're good, you know home for strays and all.” I teased and saw Ravyn checking out Mr. Tall-handsome-golden-boy in the corner. He took my glance as an invitation to saunter over to us.

“Hello ladies. A blonde and a red-head, I have to say, you make a great pair.” He flashed a brilliant smile and I laughed. “I'm the charming type.” He said huskily and I couldn't hold back a snort.

“Try the all brawn, no brains type.” I scoffed looking down my nose at him.

“Red, you just haven't had a real man.” He answered and squeezed my butt. Ravyn gasped and I heard a sharp growl echo from the doorway. I knew by scent that Nick was just coming in for his shift. I caught Blondie's wrist spun him around and had him leaning down against the counter by the time Nick got to my side.

“Rozelynn, angel, you can't go around slamming people's heads into counter's.” Nick teased with a wink and looked down at the idiot. I kept him pinned with my right hand and wiggled my left hand in front of his face.

“You see this sexy hunk of a man beside me, that's my husband Nickolai, you're lucky I kicked your ass and not him.” I snapped.

“You were checking me out!” He accused.

“Actually, I was trying to figure out what my friend was looking at. And I promptly decided it wasn't much.” I answered and Ravyn blushed. “And don't ever grab someone uninvited. You might end up with broken bones next time.” I warned.


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