part 13

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Yay! part 13, for everyone who waited. It will be a while before i post anything else, the end of wolf savior is almost here. before anybody gets angry and starts to hate me, it is no the end of the story. Just the end of Nick and Roze's story. They will show up in the actual sequel. and i plan on doing a repost of wolf savior, because really it's not supposed to be in two parts, but i had really bad writers block and posted it that way. No i don't think i will delete the originals but i still suggest you read the repost when i do it because some stuff is subject to change.


Nick's p.o.v.

I dried off and watched Roze closely. “Mel said the from what she can see the baby is fine, I could always ask Azalea if you want to know the sex.” She offered teasingly.

“As much as I love your best friend, she still creeps me out.” I admitted. “And besides, we'll find out when it's born. I don't want to know, I want to wait. So if you do find out, don't tell me.” I suggested.

“Actually, I was kind of hoping you would say that. I want to wait until it's born too.” She smiled and rubbed her hand absently over he stomach. It was still flat for the most part. I stepped out into the bedroom and pulled on a pair of faded black jeans and black Black Veil Brides shirt. I was pulling on my motorcycle boots when Rozelynn stepped out in a black lace boy-shorts and a matching bra. Her breasts seemed to be nearly spilling out of the bra. She gave me the look and pulled on a green shirt that hugged her curves. She pulled on a pair of dark blue skinny-jeans and put on a pair of flats.

“You get to go wake everybody up, I'm hungry.” She muttered and went down the stairs. I swore eloquently and went to run everyone up. Isaac chucked shoe at my head and I growled.

“Wake up moron, we have places we have to be. The council called this morning and wants to meet all of us. Including pups who spend all night playing in the forest and don't want to get up in the morning.” I said pointedly.

“You're going make a great father.” He muttered sarcastically. I growled at him and his mouth snapped shut. “I didn't mean it like that, I don't think before I speak. You should know that.” He pointed out and rolled out of bed jamming his feet into his high-top converse. Everyone else was already awake and drifting towards the living-room.

Isaac was the last one down the stairs with his hair sticking up in all different directions. He yawned and was about to sit down on the couch when I shot him a glare. “Don't even bother, we're leaving now. You're riding with Tasha and Ayden in my car. Ravyn is riding with us in Nick's.” Roze pointed out.

Everyone took their assigned places with minimal grumbling with the exception of Isaac, but that wasn't unexpected. He was always going to complain or be sarcastic. Sometimes I really just wanted to pop him in the back of the head. Ravyn crawled into the back and sat down expectantly as Roze and I joined. “So, where are we going to meet the council.”

“They said I would know the place when we got there.” Nick admitted.

“We're gonna stop for breakfast, right.” Roze asked. “Pop-tarts aren't sufficient food for a pregnant woman.” She grumbled.

“What?” Ravyn leaned forward. “Are you pregnant?” She demanded.

“Yes, we were going to tell everyone yesterday, but so much was going on with Alex leaving and Jason talking about the council.” Roze shrugged nonchalantly.


We pulled into the parking-lot with the rest of our pack right behind us. I leaned against the fender waiting for everyone else. Isaac wrinkled his nose and sneezed. “What did they do, go around pissing on everything like dogs?” He complained, Roze and both popped him in the back of the head. “What, it's a valid question.” He complained and I growled at him and Ravyn who was giggling.

Wolf Savior part BWhere stories live. Discover now