Wolf Savior part 5

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I know it has taken me forever to upload this, and it will probably take a long time for the next part too. the idea's aren't flowing as easily as they used too, it's more of a stop and go thing now. Soon i will have to start an entirely different subject. I've written two stories from front to back since i started this one and i still can't finish this one. I'm hoping if i go back and start with part A and work on editing it, the words will flow more easily.


Nick's p.o.v.

I watched as my gorgeous, lovely, perfect wife slammed a guy nearly twice her size, face-first into the counter and I couldn't help but be turned on. “That was really hot.” I practically purred in her ear and Ravyn blushed overhearing me.

“You're a freak, Nick. I mean honestly?” Adrian muttered.

“Stop gawking and finish fixing my coffee!” Roze snapped playfully. Adrian just shook his head.

“Roze, you did a bad thing letting BJ live, he's not going to care one way or the other, and that's dangerous.” He warned as he handed her the coffee.

“I'll take care of him.” She snarled even more vicious than usual. “He won't touch my family, and he won't make it past me in one piece.” I was a little surprised when Adrian shivered and glanced at me in alarm. “If he makes one wrong move towards one of the people I love, I will end him.” I kissed her temple and laughed.

“If he makes it past me, then you can have him.” I promised. “Anyways, Adrian. My great-nephew wrote me, he thinks I'm his cousin. He wants to come up and meet me if that's okay with everyone here. I'm not sure what inspired the trip, but he left his family home and is driving around the states. He's tall with black hair and green eyes, the cowboy type, his name is Kai Elston. If you happen across him, call me.” Adrian waved an acknowledgment. The door chimed and Roze's head snapped around and I could feel the anger roiling off of her.

“Morning Adrian.” A deep southern voice drawled. A low growl rumbled out of Rozelynn's throat and I glanced at the man she didn't like.

“What's going on?” I asked careful not to touch Roze. If worst came to worst like I feared it would, I would throw her out of the way and protect her, but I didn't want the man to know that. Just then a hulking man came in the door. He was about 4 inches taller than myself, standing 6'6” with broad shoulders. He might have worried me, had he not been completely human, his blood was tainted with the smell of silver. Probably so he could kill any wolf that bit him.

“Hello, bitch.” The smaller one hissed at Roze.

“Good morning BJ. Did you bring a friend to help you this time?” Roze snorted in disdain. Everyone hurried left the shop but a few minutes later the doorbell ringed again. The familiar scents of my wolves filled the store. Even the obviously pregnant Natasha was there. Alex stood between Ravyn and Isaac. Ayden was just in front of them and Tasha was the very last one.

“Ooh! You're a big sexy hunk!” Ravyn cooed towards the big guy. “What's your name?” She asked giggled like an air-head. I was about to scold her but Roze shook her head.

“I'm Joe.” His voice dropped an octave by the end of that statement.

“I'm Ravyn.” She giggled again and ran her fingers across his bulging biceps.

“Ravyn, love, it's not a good idea to be here right now.” Joe grumbled huskily. Adrian was unquestionable trying not to laugh. “This creature, it's dangerous.” He motioned to Roze. Suddenly a chorus of growls echoed from the entire pack and Alexander walked forward growling. BJ jumped and gave a shocked gasp as even Tasha bared her teeth.

“Meet my family, BJ. Did I not warn you what would happen if you came near us?” Roze's eyes burned with fury and I couldn't help but be a little turned on by it. Out of no where Ravyn's dainty fist shot out and hit Joe in the face. He went down for the count.

“Get one thing straight, hunter. We did not choose to become what we are. For all of us we were changed by a pack and abandoned. My wife was changed by the wolf who had been hunting humans for years, I killed him. We do not go around killing people for no reason, you should not try and kill us for the same.” I spat and before I could finish, BJ went for his gun. A shot was never fired because Roze slit his throat with his own silver knife. Ravyn had her foot in the center of Joe's chest and he watched the whole scene with mute horror.

He came up fighting and it was Alex who caught him from behind and broke his neck allowing him to slump to the floor. I glanced at Roze. “I can smell the silver and blood.” Roze gasped and ran for the bathroom, Tasha was a few steps behind her to soother her. Adrian muttered something to himself and I missed it too busy worrying about Roze.


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