Private chat 2

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leCharm has invited wh!te_pr!nce$$ and TTB_H.M!LLS to a private chat.

TTB_H.M!LLS: why have I been invited here? dont u know that I'm grounded?

wh!te_pr!nce$$: didnt u have ur ways?

TTB_H.M!LLS: yes, but it's better if it's...

TTB_H.M!LLS has eliminated wh!te_pr!nce$$ from this chat

leCharm: why did u do that

TTB_H.M!LLS: tell grandma that I'm sorry and that I love her.

leCharm: um... ok

leCharm: done

TTB_H.M!LLS: did she say something?

leCharm: she's confused... but she says it's ok and she loves you too


TTB_H.M!LLS: ok I was going to say that it was better if it's kept in secret.

leCharm: -__- really Henry? ur being like ur mom with this?

TTB_H.M!LLS: hey I dont wanna risk it and I know the story

leCharm: what story?

TTB_H.M!LLS: thats not mine to share, u'll have to ask mum...

leCharm: um... no it's fine

TTB_H.M!LLS: okay tell me why I'm here risking the chance to see the sun again.

leCharm: is it that bad?

TTB_H.M!LLS: no, but I cant watch TV play video games or use my phone

leCharm: then how r u txting?

TTB_H.M!LLS: not telling :D but tell me why I'm here

leCharm: idk now kid... ur grounded after all

TTB_H.M!LLS: pwease? *puppy dog pout*

leCharm: that wont work I'm not ur moms

TTB_H.M!LLS: *glistening with tears puppy eyes*

leCharm: stop

TTB_H.M!LLS: *pupils getting bigger*

leCharm: Henry...

TTB_H.M!LLS: *makes me look cuter*

leCharm: *sigh* fine


TTB_H.M!LLS: for the record, I just risked 5 mins

leCharm: sorry

TTB_H.M!LLS: spill it

leCharm: it's about ur moms... I dont like ur mom with Emma. No offense kid.

TTB_H.M!LLS: I know. But hey, there's nothing to worry about. Behind that mask that makes her look like she could kill u (and she could if she has to) she's actually very inoffensive.

leCharm: really?

TTB_H.M!LLS: yeap. And I dont say it just because she's my mum and I love her, I say it cuz it's true. She may not accept that she's with Emma but ever since they've been together, mom's been nicer, sweeter and lovable.

leCharm: hmm...

TTB_H.M!LLS: besides she hasn't always been evil. u can ask grandma how she was when they first met.

leCharm: yeah, she said Regina saved her from a wild steed and that she was lovely. which i find hard to imagine but oh well...

TTB_H.M!LLS: nobody ever gave her a chance but Emma and I.

leCharm: so... it's safe to say that Emma's in good hands?

TTB_H.M!LLS: yup, she'll never hurt her.

leCharm: well she did make her an poisoned apple turnover so...

TTB_H.M!LLS: I ate that

leCharm: yeah... but still, there's still the thing that Snow said... Regina is kind of Emma's step grandmother... it's just creepy.

TTB_H.M!LLS: well, mom's a grown woman now, and mum's been frozen in time for 28 yrs so...
physically they're about the same age...

leCharm: ugh... please kid dont involve the word "physical" here.

TTB_H.M!LLS: what? oh... um... ugh damnit grandpa!!!

leCharm: you said it.

TTB_H.M!LLS: but I wasnt talking about that!!! u just ruined my childhood.

leCharm: ur 16

TTB_H.M!LLS: wtvr... damn I gotta go... think of what I told you and dont tell anybody about this!!!

leCharm: ok tell me when ur not grounded anymore

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