Private Chat 17

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TTB_H.M!LLS has invited e.$wan to this chat


e.$wan: kid aren't you supposed to be in school?

TTB_H.M!LLS: I'm in the bathroom

e.$wan: oh... Well then what is it?

TTB_H.M!LLS: promise u won't be mad?

e.$wan: what did u do?

TTB_H.M!LLS: please promise

e.$wan: kid I won't get mad but your insistence worry me

TTB_H.M!LLS: I flunked a test

TTB_H.M!LLS has logged off

e.$wan: KID!!!

e.$wan: ugh...

{Three hours later}

TTB_H.M!LLS: sorry I had class

e.$wan: how is it possible that you flunked a test? You're like the most intelligent kid I know

TTB_H.M!LLS: idk... I just went blank

e.$wan: did you study?


e.$wan: hey don't pick that tone with me, young man.

TTB_H.M!LLS: sorry

TTB_H.M!LLS: did you tell mom?

e.$wan: I haven't. Tho I should.

e.$wan: what class was it anyway?

TTB_H.M!LLS: Mrs. Nolan's class

e.$wan: but you said it was so easy you could do it with your eyes closed! What happened?

TTB_H.M!LLS: idk, Ma...

e.$wan: have you been playing video games instead of studying?


TTB_H.M!LLS: I'm still kinda grounded remember?

e.$wan: right... The thing with the brownies

TTB_H.M!LLS: mhm

e.$wan: how are things with Ruby btw?

TTB_H.M!LLS: awkward

TTB_H.M!LLS: I apologized and all but... It's not the same as before.

e.$wan: do you really have a crush on her?

TTB_H.M!LLS: ...

TTB_H.M!LLS: yeah... Kind of

e.$wan: I thought you liked Grace?

TTB_H.M!LLS: Grace?

e.$wan: yeah... Unless it's the other way around?

TTB_H.M!LLS: idk

e.$wan: r u ok?

TTB_H.M!LLS: no... I'm going to die

e.$wan: what the hell are you speaking, kid? You're too young to die

TTB_H.M!LLS: mum's gonna kill me

e.$wan: nonsense... You're not even entirely grounded for the brownies.

TTB_H.M!LLS: cuz that was grandma's doing

e.$wan: but still, she won't do anything that you should worry

TTB_H.M!LLS: unless she's in a bad mood

e.$wan: Henry, trust me

e.$wan has added ®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN to this chat

TTB_H.M!LLS: why???

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: Henry?

TTB_H.M!LLS has left chat

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: what's wrong with him?

e.$wan: he flunked a test but he's scared to tell you

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: wait WHAT?!

e.$wan: Regina calm down

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: but he's been a straight A student!!!

e.$wan: I know but things like this happen, he's not perfect but he's trying. Maybe too hard and that's probably why he went blank.

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: ...

e.$wan: you're not going to kill him, right?

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: WHAT? no Emma. You know I could never hurt him. What the hell are you speaking?

e.$wan: he's just scared that you might lash out at him.

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: well...

e.$wan: should I leave you in a good mood before you see him?

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: wh- wait where is he?

e.$wan: idk... Probably at Archie's. He was really frustrated

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: oh well...

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: wait what are you doing?

e.$wan: it's a surprise 😉 meet me at your house in an hour, baby.

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: will I regret this?

e.$wan: oh hell no. It'll be one of the best days in your life. Be prepared for some rawr 😏😘

®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: um... Ok 😳

e.$wan has ended chat

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