e.$wan: where's everybody?
®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: not in my house I hope
TTB_H.M!LLS: hi moms
e.$wan: Henry! :)
®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: hello sweetie 😘
TTB_H.M!LLS: mum, plz stop
®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: but why? 😢
TTB_H.M!LLS: mum
e.$wan: Regina, he's a teenager. Teenagers don't like motherly affection.
®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: why? 😭😭😭
e.$wan: cuz that's how teenagers are Gina
®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: why can't you stop growing up Henry?
TTB_H.M!LLS: well...
TTB_H.M!LLS: I could go to Neverland...
®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: well, in that case I could Nevermind.
e.$wan: best pun ever 😂😂😂
e.$wan: but srsly, where's everybody?
TTB_H.M!LLS: dunno
®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: more importantly, where's my mother? She's the one who starts trouble
TTB_H.M!LLS: I think I saw her with auntie Zelena...
e.$wan: that sounds dangerous
®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: sure does Swan. What could they possibly be doing?
TTB_H.M!LLS: shopping
e.$wan: how do u know?
TTB_H.M!LLS: I texted auntie Zelena
®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: you're texting with Zelena?
TTB_H.M!LLS: uh... Yeah... I am
®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: tell me what they're doing
TTB_H.M!LLS: mom they're just buying baby clothes, not creating an evil curse or something like that
wh!te_pr!nce$$: hi everyone
e.$wan: hi mom
TTB_H.M!LLS: hey Grams
e.$wan: ...
e.$wan: Regina, don't be rude, say hi
®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: ...
®3g!n@_7h€_Qu3eN: hi Snow
wh!te_pr!nce$$: what r u guys up to today?