Chapter 28

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Maddies POV

I get home from school and have some dinner, all I can think about is Nate, I love him, I really do, I wanted him back, but after his actions at school, I think I need to move on, which is why I'm going to this mystery date. Maybe it's Cole, he is a pretty sweet guy and he did kiss me earlier. I look at the time, time to get ready. I wear some skinny jeans, a black tshirt and jumper. I leave at 6:15 so I have 15 minutes to walk a 10 minute walk, he said not to be late. I soon get to a field, I see some lights in the distance so I walk there. When I get there I find some candles scattered around, then I realise they're in groups, heart shapes, I see a blanket on the floor.

"Hello?" I call out. I hear someone play music behind me, the song sounds familiar. I turn around and there stood right in front of me is Nate.

"Hey Maddie" He says walking towards me. He ignores me all day and does this.

"You're not Cole" I say pointing out the obvious.

"Why would I be Cole?" He asks. Now I've dropped myself in it. Be honest.

"Cole kissed me earlier, I thought you were ignoring me and moving on, I also thought the noted was from him" I say nervously.

"No, it was me with the note, I'm sorry for ignoring you, I didn't wanna accidentally give this away" He says. Sorry??

"Yeah, well sorry doesn't cut it, you hurt me today" I say. I go to leave but he grabs me by the arm and pulls me back into him and smashes his lips against mine, I can't help but love this, his kisses are heavenly, I don't want this moment to end but it does when he pulls away.

"Maddie, Cassie spoke to me and I told her not to tell you she had, she told me everything that happened, and I'm not bad, I understand you were trying to protect me, but it's ok, yeah, I love my job but I want you, we'll work this out, I promise" He says still holding onto me, I love the way he's holding me. I can't stay mad at him.

"I love you, and I don't mind if you don't tell me you love me, I know you do by the way you show it, I've misses you Nate" I say putting my head against his chest.

"I've missed you too Maddie, like the song says at the end, 'without you I just can't go on'" He says. I remember the song is called Unbreak my heart, it has so many emotions! But what Nate said puts a smile on my face.

"So the kiss with Cole?" He questions.

"What about it?" I ask confused.

"Did it mean anything? I mean, you did think you were meeting him so it makes me wonder" He says.

"We bumped into each other, he asked if I was ok and kissed me, I ran off, it didn't mean anything but I thought you were moving on so I was gonna see how it went with him, but now I know that it definitely won't mean anything to me, you mean everything to me" I say and he chuckles.

"As long as he doesn't do it again, he'll be safe, now, what are we gonna do about your mum, will she report me?" He asks slightly worried.

"I have an idea, pack this up and take me home" I say, he blows out the candles and collects them all while I get the blankets, we put it all in his car and drive to mine.

"Now what?" He asks.

"Come with me" I say calmly.

"Maddie, I'm not sire-" He says, I cut him off.

"Trust me" I say and kiss him, We get out of the car and I take his hand in mine, we walk in.

"Maddie?" Mum calls.

"Yeah mum, can we talk?" I ask, she comes out from the kitchen and sees Nate and me holding hands.

"What the- what is this, get away from my daughter, that's it, you had your chance, I'm reporting you!" Mum says angrily.

"Mum no! If you report him, I'll go down with him!" I say seriously. This is the first time I've properly stood up with mum, I'm scared but at the same time it has to be done.

"Maddie no" Nate says. Mum just stares at me/

"It's ok" I whisper to him.

"What do you mean?" She asks, she looks sort of taken back, shocked and confused at the same time.

"You tell the police that I'm his student and I'll tell them that I seduced him, I'll do what it takes to go down with him" I say sternly.

"Maddie, we haven't done anything sweetcheeks" Nate points out.

"They don't know that, it'll be a confession, I'm a good liar, whenever I was going out with 'friends', I was actually seeing him, and you believed me" I point out.

"Ok, whatever, do what you like, but, Jonathan, if you do anything to her before she's 18, I'll chop it off" She says seriously and I hear him gulp, bless him.

"Ms Johnson, I'm not ready, and I respect her, and you too much to do anything until she's ready, anybody who hurts her, I'll be on them like a tonne of bricks" Nate says, all mum does is nod until she speaks up again.

"I'm not happy about this, but she's happy with you" She says and walks off.

"It worked! I love you Nate, we have nothing to worry about" I say and kiss him.

"I'm so happy, I better get going sweetcheeks, I have marking and prepping to do for tomorrow sadly" He says. "I'll text you" He kisses me passionately followed by lots of cheeky quick pecks on my lips and reluctantly leaves. Well at least mum is allowing us now, even if she doesn't really want to.


So they finally got things sorted out with each other and Maddies mum, what do you think will happen next? I'll give you a hint to the next chapter, someone who has been mentioned in this story already is coming back and going to put Maddie in danger, grave danger, will Nate be able to save her from this person? Comment your ideas and wait and read on, all shall be revealed!!

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